This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the student incident details view.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ACTION1_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the first action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION1_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The behavior code of the first action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION1_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The state detail report code of the first action the offender has on the incident if available. |
ACTION1_DUR_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The duration code for the first action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension. |
ACTION1_DUR_DAYS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The number of days for the short or long term suspension. |
ACTION2_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the second action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION2_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The behavior code of the second action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION2_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The state detail report code of the second action the offender has on the incident if available. |
ACTION2_DUR_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The duration code for the second action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension. |
ACTION2_DUR_DAYS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The number of days for the short or long term suspension. |
ACTION3_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the third action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION3_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The behavior code of the third action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION3_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The state detail report code of the third action the offender has on the incident if available. |
ACTION3_DUR_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The duration code for the second action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension. |
ACTION3_DUR_DAYS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The number of days for the short or long term suspension. |
ACTION4_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the fourth action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION4_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The behavior code of the fourth action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION4_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The state detail report code of the fourth action the offender has on the incident if available. |
ACTION4_DUR_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The duration code for the second action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension. |
ACTION4_DUR_DAYS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The number of days for the short or long term suspension. |
ACTION5_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the fifth action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION5_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The behavior code of the fifth action the offender has on the incident. |
ACTION5_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The state detail report code of the fifth action the offender has on the incident if available. |
ACTION5_DUR_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The duration code for the second action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension. |
ACTION5_DUR_DAYS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The number of days for the short or long term suspension. |
AGE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(4) | Indicates the age of the offender if a student. |
BEHAVIOR1_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the first behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR1_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The behavior code of the first behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR1_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The state detail report code of the first behavior the offender has on the incident if available. |
BEHAVIOR2_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the second behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR2_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The behavior code of the second behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR2_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The state detail report code of the second behavior the offender has on the incident if available. |
BEHAVIOR3_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the third behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR3_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The behavior code of the third behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR3_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The state detail report code of the third behavior the offender has on the incident if available. |
BEHAVIOR4_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the fourth behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR4_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The behavior code of the fourth behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR4_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The state detail report code of the fourth behavior the offender has on the incident if available. |
BEHAVIOR5_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description of the fifth behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR5_CATEGORY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The behavior code of the fifth behavior the offender has on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR5_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The state detail report code of the fifth behavior the offender has on the incident if available. |
BIRTHDATE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The date of birth of the offender. |
EC_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(4) | Indicates the exceptionality code of the offender if available. This uses the Academically Intellectually Gifted code if the student is AIG and has no exceptionality code. |
EC_DESC | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | Indicates the exceptionality description of the offender if available.This uses the Academically Intellectually Gifted code if the student is AIG and has no exceptionality code. |
ENALP | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates if any of the Action Codes 1 - 5 are SC8, SC9, SC10, SC36 or SC37 which denotes placement in an alternative learning program. |
ETHNICITY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | Indicates the ethnicity description of the offender. |
ETHNICITY_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates the ethnicity code of the offender. |
EXP_DATA | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates if the action involved expulsion. |
GENDER | 13.6.0 | CHAR | Indicates the gender of the offender. |
GRADE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(4) | Indicates the grade level of the offender if a student. |
INCIDENT_DATE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The date of the incident. |
INCIDENT_NUMBER | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The incident number. |
INSTANCE_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(10,0) | The instance id that ties this table to the other discipline collection tables. |
ISS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC2. |
ISS_DAYS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates the total number of in-school suspension days if the Action Codes 1 - 5 are SC2. |
LEA_ID | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The LEA ID where the incident occurred. |
LEA_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | The name of the LEA where the incident occurred. |
LOCATION_CATEGORY | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | Indicates the description of the location where the incident occurred. |
LOCATION_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(3) | Indicates the state reportable code of the location. |
LT365 | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC5 and Duration Code is LTS. |
LTS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC3 and Duration Code is LTS. |
LTS_REMYEAR | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC4 and Duration Code is LTS. |
OFFENDER_504 | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | Indicates if the offender is a 504 student. |
OFFENDER_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The code that indicates the participant is an offender. |
OFFENDER_DESC | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | The description of the code that indicates this is the offender. |
OFFENDER_ID | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(15) | The staff or student id of the offender if available. |
OFFENDER_LEP | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | Indicates if the offender is Limited English Proficiency. |
OFFENDER_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | The name of the staff or student that is the offender if available. |
OSS_DAYS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates the actual number of out of school suspension days if Action Codes 1 - 5 are SC3, SC4, or SC5 and duration code is STS or LTS. |
RPT_RUN_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(,) | Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID. |
SCHOOL_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(10,0) | The school where the incidents occurred. |
SCHOOL_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | The name where the incident occurred. |
STS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC3 and duration code is STS. |
VICTIM_504 | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | Indicates if the victim is a 504 student. |
VICTIM_ACCP_TRANS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | Indicates if the victim accepted a transfer to another campus due to discipline. Offender Type is 01, Victim Action Code 200 is Y and Victim Action Code 201 is N. |
VICTIM_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The code that indicates the participant is a victim. |
VICTIM_DESC | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The description of the code that indicates this is a victim. |
VICTIM_EC_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates the exceptionality code of the victim if available. This uses the Academically Intellectually Gifted code if the student is AIG and has no exceptionality code. |
VICTIM_EC_DESC | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | Indicates the exceptionality description of the victim if available.This uses the Academically Intellectually Gifted code if the student is AIG and has no exceptionality code. |
VICTIM_ETH | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | Indicates the ethnicity description of the victim. |
VICTIM_ETH_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates the ethnicity code of the victim. |
VICTIM_GENDER | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | Indicates the gender of the victim. |
VICTIM_ID | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(15) | Indicates the id of the victim if a staff or student. |
VICTIM_LEP | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | Indicates if the victim is Limited English Proficiency. |
VICTIM_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | Indicates the name of the victim if available. |
VICTIM_OFF_TRANS | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | Indicates if the victim was offered a transfer to another campus based on the discipline incident. Offender Type is 01, Action Code 202 is Y and Action Code 203 is N. |
WEAPON1_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The code for the first type of weapon if a weapon was involved. |
WEAPON1_DESC | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description for the first type of weapon if a weapon was involved. |
WEAPON2_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The code for the second type of weapon if a weapon was involved. |
WEAPON2_DESC | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(80) | The description for the second type of weapon if a weapon was involved. |