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This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the student incident details view.

Column Name


Data Type


ACTION1_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the first action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION1_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The behavior code of the first action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION1_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The state detail report code of the first action the offender has on the incident if available.
ACTION1_DUR_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The duration code for the first action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension.
ACTION1_DUR_DAYS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The number of days for the short or long term suspension.
ACTION2_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the second action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION2_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The behavior code of the second action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION2_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The state detail report code of the second action the offender has on the incident if available.
ACTION2_DUR_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The duration code for the second action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension.
ACTION2_DUR_DAYS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The number of days for the short or long term suspension.
ACTION3_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the third action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION3_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The behavior code of the third action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION3_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The state detail report code of the third action the offender has on the incident if available.
ACTION3_DUR_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The duration code for the second action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension.
ACTION3_DUR_DAYS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The number of days for the short or long term suspension.
ACTION4_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the fourth action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION4_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The behavior code of the fourth action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION4_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The state detail report code of the fourth action the offender has on the incident if available.
ACTION4_DUR_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The duration code for the second action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension.
ACTION4_DUR_DAYS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The number of days for the short or long term suspension.
ACTION5_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the fifth action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION5_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The behavior code of the fifth action the offender has on the incident.
ACTION5_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The state detail report code of the fifth action the offender has on the incident if available.
ACTION5_DUR_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The duration code for the second action the offender has on the incident if long or short term suspension.
ACTION5_DUR_DAYS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The number of days for the short or long term suspension.
AGE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)Indicates the age of the offender if a student.
BEHAVIOR1_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the first behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR1_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The behavior code of the first behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR1_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The state detail report code of the first behavior the offender has on the incident if available.
BEHAVIOR2_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the second behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR2_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The behavior code of the second behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR2_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The state detail report code of the second behavior the offender has on the incident if available.
BEHAVIOR3_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the third behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR3_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The behavior code of the third behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR3_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The state detail report code of the third behavior the offender has on the incident if available.
BEHAVIOR4_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the fourth behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR4_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The behavior code of the fourth behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR4_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The state detail report code of the fourth behavior the offender has on the incident if available.
BEHAVIOR5_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description of the fifth behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR5_CATEGORY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The behavior code of the fifth behavior the offender has on the incident.
BEHAVIOR5_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The state detail report code of the fifth behavior the offender has on the incident if available.
BIRTHDATE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The date of birth of the offender.

Indicates the exceptionality code of the offender if available. This uses the Academically Intellectually Gifted code if the student is AIG and has no exceptionality code.

EC_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)Indicates the exceptionality description of the offender if available.This uses the Academically Intellectually Gifted code if the student is AIG and has no exceptionality code.
ENALP13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates if any of the Action Codes 1 - 5 are SC8, SC9, SC10, SC36 or SC37 which denotes placement in an alternative learning program.
ETHNICITY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)Indicates the ethnicity description of the offender.
ETHNICITY_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates the ethnicity code of the offender.
EXP_DATA13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates if the action involved expulsion.
GENDER13.6.0 CHARIndicates the gender of the offender.
GRADE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)Indicates the grade level of the offender if a student.
INCIDENT_DATE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The date of the incident.
INCIDENT_NUMBER13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The incident number.
INSTANCE_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The instance id that ties this table to the other discipline collection tables.
ISS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC2.
ISS_DAYS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates the total number of in-school suspension days if the Action Codes 1 - 5 are SC2.
LEA_ID13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The LEA ID where the incident occurred.
LEA_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)The name of the LEA where the incident occurred.
LOCATION_CATEGORY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)Indicates the description of the location where the incident occurred.
LOCATION_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the state reportable code of the location.
LT36513.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC5 and Duration Code is LTS.
LTS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC3 and Duration Code is LTS.
LTS_REMYEAR13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC4 and Duration Code is LTS.
OFFENDER_50413.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)Indicates if the offender is a 504 student.
OFFENDER_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The code that indicates the participant is an offender.
OFFENDER_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)The description of the code that indicates this is the offender.
OFFENDER_ID13.6.0 VARCHAR2(15)The staff or student id of the offender if available.
OFFENDER_LEP13.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)Indicates if the offender is Limited English Proficiency.
OFFENDER_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)The name of the staff or student that is the offender if available.
OSS_DAYS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates the actual number of out of school suspension days if Action Codes 1 - 5 are SC3, SC4, or SC5 and duration code is STS or LTS.
RPT_RUN_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(,)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
SCHOOL_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The school where the incidents occurred.
SCHOOL_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)The name where the incident occurred.
STS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates if any of the Action codes 1 - 5 are state code SC3 and duration code is STS.
VICTIM_50413.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)Indicates if the victim is a 504 student.
VICTIM_ACCP_TRANS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)Indicates if the victim accepted a transfer to another campus due to discipline. Offender Type is 01, Victim Action Code 200 is Y and Victim Action Code 201 is N.
VICTIM_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The code that indicates the participant is a victim.
VICTIM_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)The description of the code that indicates this is a victim.
VICTIM_EC_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates the exceptionality code of the victim if available. This uses the Academically Intellectually Gifted code if the student is AIG and has no exceptionality code.
VICTIM_EC_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)Indicates the exceptionality description of the victim if available.This uses the Academically Intellectually Gifted code if the student is AIG and has no exceptionality code.
VICTIM_ETH13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)Indicates the ethnicity description of the victim.
VICTIM_ETH_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates the ethnicity code of the victim.
VICTIM_GENDER13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates the gender of the victim.
VICTIM_ID13.6.0 VARCHAR2(15)Indicates the id of the victim if a staff or student.
VICTIM_LEP13.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)Indicates if the victim is Limited English Proficiency.
VICTIM_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)Indicates the name of the victim if available.
VICTIM_OFF_TRANS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)Indicates if the victim was offered a transfer to another campus based on the discipline incident. Offender Type is 01, Action Code 202 is Y and Action Code 203 is N.
WEAPON1_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The code for the first type of weapon if a weapon was involved.
WEAPON1_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description for the first type of weapon if a weapon was involved.
WEAPON2_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The code for the second type of weapon if a weapon was involved.
WEAPON2_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The description for the second type of weapon if a weapon was involved.

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