This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the student reportable crimes detail view.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
BEHAVIOR_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | The behavior code on the incident. |
BEHAVIOR_STATE_CODE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2) | The state code for the behavior code to note the type of reportable crime. |
INCIDENT_NUMBER | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(10,0) | The incident number. |
INSTANCE_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(10,0) | The id that links this to the other discipline collection views. |
LEA_ID | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(20) | The LEA ID where the incident occurred. |
OFFENDER_NAME | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | The name of the student or staff that was the offender. |
OFFENSE_DATE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(10) | The date of the offense. |
OFFENSE_TYPE | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(100) | The description of the offense. |
RPT_RUN_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(,) | Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID. |
SCHOOL_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(10,0) | The school where the incident occurred. |
STUDENT_ID | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(15) | The state number of the student that was the offender. |