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S_NC_RPT_CTE_STUDENTS (ver 21.2.2)

This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the CTE course enrollment of students that are reported on the CTE Concentrator Calculation (CTE)  collection .

Column Name


Data Type


CONCENTRATOR_YN21.2.2VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)It Indicates if student is a concentrator for a particular cluster and pathway (Y/N).
COURSE_CODE_INPROG_4F21.2.2VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)It indicates in progress course code for category 4  pathway in which student is enrolled. Multiple course code will display as pipe delimited.
COURSE_CODE_INPROG_5P21.2.2VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)It indicates in progress course code for category 5  pathway in which student is enrolled. Multiple course code will display as pipe delimited.
COURSE_CODE_INPROG_6C21.2.2VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)It indicates in progress course code for category 6  pathway in which student is enrolled. Multiple course code will display as pipe delimited.
COURSE_CODE_PASSED_4F21.2.2VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)It indicates completed course code for category 4  pathway in which student was enrolled. Multiple course code will display as pipe delimited.
COURSE_CODE_PASSED_5P21.2.2VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)It indicates completed course code for category 5  pathway in which student was enrolled. Multiple course code will display as pipe delimited.
COURSE_CODE_PASSED_6C21.2.2VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)It indicates completed course code for category 6  pathway in which student was enrolled. Multiple course code will display as pipe delimited.
FIRST_NAME21.2.2VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)Student's First Name.
GRADE_LEVEL21.2.2NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the student's grade level.
LAST_NAME21.2.2VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)Student's Last Name.
NUM_CREDITS_NEEDED21.2.2VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)Total number of credits needed to become Concentrator.
OCS_ECS_FLAG21.2.2VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)Students with a designation of  O - Future Ready Occupational Course of Study or E - Extended Content Standards. 
OVERRIDE_YN21.2.2VARCHAR2(1 CHAR)CTE override (Y/N).
RPT_RUN_ID21.2.2NUMBERIndicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
SCHOOL_NUMBER21.2.2NUMBER(10,0)The school number.
SEX21.2.2VARCHAR2(2 CHAR)Indicates student's Gender.
STUDENT_NUMBER21.2.2FLOATStudent Number.
TERMID21.2.2NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the yearID of students course completed.

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