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S_NC_RPT_CRDC_STU_DETAIL_2 (ver 20.7.1)

This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the Student detail for the Civil Rights Data Collection Part 2.

Column Name


Data Type


ABSENT15ORMOREDAYS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The number of students absent 15 or more days.
AGE13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The age of the student.
APEXAMQUALIFIEDSCORE13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student passed an Advanced Placement exam.
ATTEMPTEDACT13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student attempted took the ACT exam.
ATTEMPTEDAPEXAM13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student attempted an Advanced Placement exam.
ATTEMPTEDSAT13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student took Advance Placement classes.
COPORALPUNISHMENT13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student received corporal punishment in grade kindergarten or above.
CORPORALPUNISHMENTPK13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates this student received corporal punishment in prekindergarten.
CORPORALPUNISHMENTPKDIS13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates this student received corporal punishment in prekindergarten and has a disability.
CORPORALPUNISHWITHDIS13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates this student received corporal punishment in grade kindergarten and above and has a disability.
CORPORALPUNISHWITHOUTDIS13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates this student received corporal punishment in grade kindergarten and above and does not have a disability.
CREDIT_RECOVERY13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates this student took a credit recovery class.Moved to Stu Detail 1 in 17-18.
ENROLLEDAPCOURSE13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student enrolled in an Advanced Placement Course.
ENROLLEDDISTLEARNPROG13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student enrolled in a Distance Learning Program Moved to Stu Detail 1 in 17-18.
ENROLLEDGEDPREPPROG13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student enrolled in a High School Equivalency degree program..Moved to Stu Detail 1 in 17-18.
ETHNICITY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The student's ethnicity code.
EXPULSIONS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student had an expulsion.
EXPULSIONSEDUSERVICE13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student was expelled and received education services.
EXPULSIONSNOEDUSERVICE13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student was expelled and received no education services.
EXPULSIONSPK20.7.1NUMBER(1,0)Number of instances of preschool suspensions.
EXPULSIONSZEROTOLERANCE13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student was expelled under a zero tolerance policy.
GENDER13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The gender of the student.
GRADELEVEL13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The grade level of the student.
HARASSDISCDISABILITY13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student with disabilities was harassed due to disability.
HARASSDISCRACE13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student with disabilities was harassed due to race.
HARASSDISCSEX13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student with disabilities was harassed due to gender.
HARASSEDDISABILITY13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student without disabilities was harassed due to disability.
HARASSEDRACE13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student without disabilities was harassed due to race.
HARASSEDSEX13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student without disabilities was harassed due to gender.
HSECREDFROMGEDPROG13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student received high school credit from a high school equivalency program.
IDEA13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student is IDEA.
LEPPROGRAM13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student is Limited English Proficiency and receives services.
LEPQUALIFIED13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student is Limited English Proficiency.
MISSEDSUS13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of days this student missed due to suspension.
NUMALLEGHARASSSEXUALORI13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates this student was harassed based on sexual orientation.
NUMALLEGHARASSSEXUALRELIGION13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates this student was harassed based on religion.
NUMINSCHSUSPENSIONS13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates this student was harassed based on sexual orientation.
NUMOFFATTEMPRAPE13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of attempted rape.
NUMOFFHOMICIDE13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of homicide.
NUMOFFINVSHOOTING13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances involving a shooting.
NUMOFFPHYATTWITHFIREARM13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of physical attack with a firearm.
NUMOFFPHYATTWITHOUTWEAPON13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of physical attack without a weapon.
NUMOFFPHYATTWITHWEAPON13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of physical attack with a weapon.
NUMOFFPOSSFIREARM13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of possession of a firearm.
NUMOFFROBFIREARM13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of robbery with a firearm.
NUMOFFROBWEAPON13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of robbery with a weapon.
NUMOFFROBWITHOUTWEAPON13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of robbery without a weapon.
NUMOFFSEXASSAULT13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of sexual assault.
NUMOFFTHREATATTWITHFIREARM13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of threat to attack with a firearm.
NUMOFFTHREATATTWITHOUTWEAPON13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of threat to attack without a weapon.
NUMOFFTHREATATTWITHWEAPON13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of instances of threat to attack with a weapon.
NUMOUTOFSCHSUSPENSIONS13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of instances of out of school suspensions for the student.
PASSEDALGEBRAI13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student passed Algebra I.Moved to Stu Detail 1 in 17-18.
REFERREDLAWENFORCEMENT13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student was involved in an instance referred to law enforcemnt.
RESTRAINTMECHANICAL13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student was mechanically restrained
RESTRAINTPHYSICAL13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student was physically restrained
RETAINEDINGRADE113.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 1.
RETAINEDINGRADE1013.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 10.
RETAINEDINGRADE1113.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 11.
RETAINEDINGRADE1213.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 12.
RETAINEDINGRADE1313.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 13.
RETAINEDINGRADE213.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 2.
RETAINEDINGRADE313.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 3.
RETAINEDINGRADE413.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 4.
RETAINEDINGRADE513.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 5.
RETAINEDINGRADE613.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 6.
RETAINEDINGRADE713.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 7.
RETAINEDINGRADE813.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 8.
RETAINEDINGRADE913.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade 9.
RETAINEDINGRADEKG13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student was retained in grade KG.
RPT_RUN_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
SCHOOLID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The internal id number of the school.
SCHOOLRELATEDARREST13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student had a school related arrest.
SECLUSION13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates this student was restrained by seclusion.
SECTION50413.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates the student is 504.
STUDENTDCID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Foreign key to link to the students table.
STUDENTID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The internal id of the student.
SUSPENSIONPK13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the number of PK suspensions.
SUSPENSIONPKDIS13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the number of PK suspensions for students with disabilities.
SUSPENSIONWITHDIS50413.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the number of suspensions for students with a 504 disability.
SUSPENSIONWITHDISIDEA13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the number of suspensions for students with disabilities.
SUSPENSIONWITHOUTDIS13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the number of suspensions for students without disabilities.
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