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S_NC_RPT_CRDC_STU_AGGR (ver 13.6.0)

This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the student demographics for CRDC for the aggregations of the details.

Column Name


Data Type


AGGR_LEVEL13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)Indicates if the aggreagation is for the LEA or School level collection.
ALL_RACES13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total of all of the races.
AMER_IND_ALASKAN13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the American Indian/Alaskan population.
ASIAN13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the Asian population.
BLACK13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the Black population.
CAT_1_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(500)For the collection view this is the name of the first category or question.
CAT_1_NUM13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)This indicates the question number as corresponds to the CRDC LEA or School Form.
CAT_2_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(500)Indicates the second category name when a question has multiple parts.
CAT_2_NUM13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the question number or part when a question has multiple parts.
GENDER13.6.0 VARCHAR2(5)Indicates the total number of the gender.
HAWAIIAN_PAC_ISLANDER13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the Hawaiian/Pacific Islander population.
HISPANIC_LATINO13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the Hispanic/Latino population.
IDEA13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the IDEA population.
LEP13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the Limited English Proficiency population.
MULTI_RACIAL13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the population that indicated multiple races.
RPT_RUN_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
SCHOOL_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The school id number.
SCHOOL_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(300)The name of the school.
SEC_504_ONLY13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the population that are provided 504 services.
WHITE13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)Indicates the total number of the White population.

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