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S_NC_RPT_CRDC_SCH_DETAIL_1 (ver 13.6.0)

This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the School detail for the Civil Rights Data Collection Part 1.

Column Name


Data Type



No longer collected.

ALLMAGNETONLY13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the only students enrolled at the campus are magnet students.
ALTERNATIVESCHOOL13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school is an alternative school
ALTERNATIVESCHOOLACADEMIC13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school is an alternative school for students with academic difficulties.
ALTERNATIVESCHOOLDISCIPLINE13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school is an alternative school for students with discipline problems.
ALTERNATIVESCHOOLOTHER13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)No longer collected.
CHARTERSCHOOL13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school is a charter school.
DUALCREDIT13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school offers dual credit classes.
FORSTUDENTDISABILITIES13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school only serves students with disabilities.
HASAPMATHSTUDENTS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has students taking Advanced Placement Math classes.
HASAPOTHERSTUDENTS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has students taking Advanced Placement classes other than Math and Science.
HASAPSCIENCESTUDENTS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has students taking Advanced Placement Science classes.
HASAPSTUDENTS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has any Advanced Placement students.
HASDUALENROLLMENT13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has students enrolled in Dual Credit classes.
HASGIFTEDTALENTEDSTUDENTS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has gifted and talented students.
HASIBDIPLOMASTUDENTS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has students enrolled in International Baccalaureate classes.
HASNONIDEAPRESCHSTUAGE313.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has pre-school students that are non-IDEA age 3.
HASNONIDEAPRESCHSTUAGE413.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has pre-school students that are non-IDEA age 4.
HASNONIDEAPRESCHSTUAGE513.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has pre-school students that are non-IDEA age 5.
HASSINGLESEXCLASSSTUDENTS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has any single gender classes for students.
LAWENFORCEMENTOFFICERS13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)No longer collected.
MAGNETSCHOOLORPROGRAM13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school is a magnet school or not.
NUMADVMATHCLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of advanced math classes taught by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through Powerschool.
NUMALGEBRAICLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Algebra I classes taught by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through Powerschool.
NUMALGEBRAIICLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Algebra II classes taught by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through Powerschool.
NUMBIOLOGYCLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Biology classes taught by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through Powerschool.
NUMCALCULUSCLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Calculus classes taught by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through Powerschool.
NUMCHEMISTRYCLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Chemistry classes taught by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through Powerschool.
NUMCLASSESADVMATH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of advanced math classes taught at the school.
NUMCLASSESALGEBRAI13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Algebra I classes taught at the school for grade 7-8.
NUMCLASSESALGEBRAII13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Algebra II classes taught at the school.
NUMCLASSESAPCS18.11.0NUMBER(10,0)The number of AP Computer Science classes taught at the school. If the value of this field is greater than 0, then APIB-13 is set to Yes for the School Detail Part 1 view.
NUMCLASSESBIOLOGY13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Biology classes taught at the school.
NUMCLASSESCALCULUS13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Calculus classes taught at the school.
NUMCLASSESCHEMISTRY13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Chemistry classes taught at the school.
NUMCLASSESCS18.11.0NUMBER(10,0)The number of Computer Science classes taught at the school
NUMCLASSESGEOMETRY13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Geometry classes taught at the school grade 8.
NUMCLASSESPHYSICS13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Physics classes taught at the school.
NUMCOURSESAP13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Advanced Placement courses taught at the school.
NUMCOMPUTERCLASSESCERTTEACH18.11.0NUMBER(10,0)The number of Computer Science classes taught by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through PowerSchool
NUMCREDITRECOVERYSTUDENTS18.11.0NUMBER(10,0)The number of students in a credit recovery program. Moved from Sch Detail 2 in 17-18. If this value is greater than 0 then PENR-5 is displayed as Yes in the School Detail View of part 1.
NUMGEOMETRYCLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Geometry classes taught by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through PowerSchool.
NUMHSCLASSESALGEBRAI13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Algebra I classes taught at the school for grade 9-12.
NUMHSCLASSESGEOMETRY13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of Geometry classes taught at the school grade 9-12.
NUMMATHCLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of  classes taught at the school. NC does not collect through Powerschool.
NUMPHYSICSCLASSESCERTTEACH13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of physics classes taught at the school by a certified teacher. NC does not collect through PowerSchool.
NUMSUTALGGRADE718.11.0NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the number of students that passed Algebra I in grade 7. Moved from Sch Detail 2 in 17-18.
NUMSTUENROLLEDALGEBRAIGRADE713.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 7.
NUMSTUENROLLEDGEOMETRYGRADE813.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The number of students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8.
PART1SCHOOLCOMMENTS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4000)No longer collected.
PROVIDESGRADE113.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 1.
PROVIDESGRADE1013.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 10.
PROVIDESGRADE1113.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 11.
PROVIDESGRADE1213.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 12.
PROVIDESGRADE1313.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)This field is no longer collected after the 15-16 collection.
PROVIDESGRADE213.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 2.
PROVIDESGRADE313.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 3.
PROVIDESGRADE413.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 4.
PROVIDESGRADE513.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 5.
PROVIDESGRADE613.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 6.
PROVIDESGRADE713.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 7.
PROVIDESGRADE813.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 8.
PROVIDESGRADE913.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade 9.
PROVIDESKG13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade KG.
PROVIDESPREKG13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers grade Pre-KG.
PROVIDESUNGRADED13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)The school offers ungraded students.
RPT_RUN_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
SCHOOLID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)The school id.
SCHOOLNAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(60)The name of the school
SELFPARTICIPATEAP13.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if a student can self-participate in Advanced Placement classes.
SINGLESEXFALGGEOM13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for female Algebra and Geometry.
SINGLESEXFLANGARTS13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for female Language Arts.
SINGLESEXFOTHER13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for female other subjects.
SINGLESEXFOTHERMATH13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for female other math classes.
SINGLESEXFSCIENCE13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for female science.
SINGLESEXMALGGEOM13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for male Algebra and Geometry.
SINGLESEXMLANGARTS13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for male Language Arts.
SINGLESEXMOTHER13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for male other subjects.
SINGLESEXMOTHERMATH13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for male other math classes.
SINGLESEXMSCIENCE13.6.0 NUMBER(6,0)The number of single sex classes offered for male science.
STUENROLLEDALGEBRAIGRADE713.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 7.
STUENROLLEDALGEBRAIGRADE813.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8.
STUENROLLEDGEOMETRYGRADE813.6.0 NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the school has students enrolled in Geometry in grade 8.
UNGRADEDCHARACTERISTIC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)Indicates the type of students that are coded as ungraded for this school. A is for mainly elementary students, B is for mainly middle school students, and C is for mainly high school students.

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