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S_NC_RPT_CFU_DETAIL (ver 13.6.0)

This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the demographics and enrollment of students that are reported on the Common Followup Collection.

Column Name


Data Type



Indicates the student's current AIG code.

AIG_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)Indicates the description of the student's AIG code.
CAREER_DOC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(500)No longer collected.
CAREER_PLAN13.6.0 VARCHAR2(500)This indicates the student's cluster program code.
CAREER_PLAN_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4000)The description of the student's cluster program code.
COMPLETER13.6.0 CHARIndicates a C if exit code is W4 or W6 with diploma; N is for students with exit code of W1, W2, W3 or students with W4 or W6 but diploma type of certificate and not diploma.
CTE_CONCENTRATOR_IND13.6.0 CHARIf the workforce development indicator is a C, this is a Y; else an N.
DIPLOMA_TYPE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(40)Indicates the diploma type for the student.
DIPLOMA_TYPE_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(40)Indicates the diploma type for the student.
DOB13.6.0 DATEThe student's date of birth.
ED_ATTAIN13.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)The highest grade level that the student attained in the prior year.
ENTRYDATE13.6.0 DATEThe student's current entry date at this school.
ETHNIC_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(50)The description of the student's ethnic code.
EXITDATE13.6.0 DATEThe latest exit date from this school for the year being reported if student's exit code starts with a W.
FIRST_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(50)The student's first name.
GENDER13.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)The student's gender.
GRADE_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)The state grade levl of the student as reported on the CFU.
GRADE_LEVEL13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)The PowerSchool grade level of the student as reported on the CFU.
GRAD_DOC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(40)Indicates the type of graduation document received - diploma or certification of completion.
HAS_FATALS13.6.0 CHARIndicates if the student has fatal errors for this run of the CFU collection.
HISPANIC_LATINO13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates if the student is Hispanic/Latino.
LAST_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(50)The student's last name.
LEP_ELIGIBILITY13.6.0 CHARIndicates if the student qualifies as a LEP student.
MAILING_CITY13.6.0 VARCHAR2(50)The student's mailing city.
MAILING_STATE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)The student's mailing state.
MIDDLE_NAME13.6.0 VARCHAR2(30)The student's middle name.
NAME_SUFFIX13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)The student's generation code.
NEW_ENROLL13.6.0 CHARIndicates if the student is new to the school
PRIM_EXCP13.6.0 VARCHAR2(50)The student's primary exceptionality if available.
REGISTRATION_DATE13.6.0 DATEThe student's current entry date at this school.
RPT_RUN_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(,)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
SPECIAL_STATUS13.6.0 VARCHAR2(30)Indicates if the student was a dropout (W2), Transfer Withdrawal (W1) or Death Withdrawal (W3) based on their exit code.
SSN13.6.0 VARCHAR2(12)The student's social security number.
STATE_ENTRYCODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)The student's entry code for the last enrollment record at this school for the year being reported.
STATE_ENTRY_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)The description of the entry code for the last enrollment record at this school for the year being reported.
STATE_ETHNIC_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(1)The student's state ethnic code.
STATE_EXITCODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(50)The student's exit code for the last enrollment record at this school for the year being reported.
STATE_EXIT_DESC13.6.0 VARCHAR2(100)The description of the exit code for the last enrollment record at this school for the year being reported.
STATE_STUDENTID13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)Indicates the state student number for the student.
STUDENTID13.6.0 NUMBER(,)The internal student id.
STUDENT_RETAINED13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)Indicates if the student was retained for the year being reported. Calculated based on the Exit Code or the Promotion Status field.
UNWEIGHTED_GPA13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The NC Unweighted GPA in the S_NC_HIST_RANK table.
WEIGHTED_GPA13.6.0 VARCHAR2(80)The NC Weighted GPA in the S_NC_HIST_RANK table.
WORKFORCE_DEV13.6.0 CHARThe student's CTE Participant Indicator. Y or N depending on whether the student is a concentrator or not.

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