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S_NC_RPT_AIG_DETAIL (ver 13.6.0)

This table is a stand alone table that stores information about the detail of the Fall and Spring AIG Student Headcounts.

Column Name


Data Type


AIG_CODE13.6.0 CHAR(2)

Indicates the Academically & Intellectually Gifted placement code for the student on the headcount date.

DUAL_EXCP13.6.0 CHAR(1)Indicates if the student has dual exceptionality.
ENTRYCODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The student's entry code from enrollment.
ENTRYDATE13.6.0 DATEThe student's entry date in the AIG placement.
EXCP_MEMBER_DATE13.6.0 DATEThe date the student's exceptionality started.
EXITCODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(10)The student's exit code from the AIG placement.
EXITDATE13.6.0 DATEThe student's exit date from the AIG placement.
GENDER13.6.0 VARCHAR2(2)The student's gender.
GRADE_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)Indicates the student's PowerSchool grade level on the head count date.
HAS_FATALS13.6.0 CHAR(1)Indicates if the student has fatal errors at the time the report is generated.
PRIMARY_EXCP13.6.0 VARCHAR2(50)Indicates the student's primary exceptionality.
RPT_RUN_ID13.6.0 NUMBER(10,0)Indicates the unique report run ID for this run. This links to the S_NC_RPT_RUN table to identify the LEA, School, Report Type, Instance ID, and Year ID.
RPT_VERSION13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates if the report is for the Fall Headcount or the Spring Headcount.
SECOND_EXCP13.6.0 VARCHAR2(50)Indicates the student's secondary exceptionality if available.
STATE_ENTRYCODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)Indicates the cross walk for the enrollment entry code to the state entry code for the student.
STATE_ETHNIC_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(1)Indicates the student's state ethnic code.
STATE_EXITCODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)Indicates the cross walk for the enrollment exit code to the state exit code for the student.
STATE_GRADE_CODE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(4)Indicates the state grade level code for the student.
STATE_STUDENTID13.6.0 VARCHAR2(20)Indicates the state student number for the student.
STUDENTID13.6.0 NUMBER(,)The internal student id.

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