S_NC_IMM_Immigrant_Data (ver 13.6.0)
This table is a child table of the Students table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
Active | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(1,0) | Indicates if the student is currently Immigrant. |
Apr_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in April of the school year on the record. |
Aug_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in Ajgust of the school year on the record. |
Born_Outside_US | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(1,0) | Indicates whether or not the student was born outside of the United State or Puerto Rico. |
BTW_3_21 | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(1,0) | Indicates if the student is between the age of 3 and 21. |
Dec_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in December of the school year on the record. |
Exception_Comments | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2000) | Comments about the exceptions for this student. |
Feb_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in February of the school year on the record. |
First_School_Year_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | Indicates the first year the student was enrolled in US School |
ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(19,0) | Primary key |
Immigrant_Status | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(1,0) | The description of the student's immigrant status. |
IMM_Year_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | Indicates the number of years in US schools |
In_Feb_Headcount | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(1,0) | Indicates the student should be counted in the February headcount of Immigrants. |
Jan_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in January of the school year on the record. |
Jul_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in July of the school year on the record. |
Jun_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in June of the school year on the record. |
Mar_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in March of the school year on the record. |
May_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in May of the school year on the record. |
Nov_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in November of the school year on the record. |
Oct_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in October of the school year on the record. |
Out_School_Year_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | Indicates the school year the student was first enrolled out of US schools. |
Returned_School_Year_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | Indicates the year the student returned to US schools. |
SCHOOLID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | Indicates the school the student was enrolled for this record. |
Sep_US_Override | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Checked if the student was immigrant in September of the school year on the record. |
STUDENTSDCID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(19,0) | Foreign key that links to the students table. |
STUDENT_NUMBER | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | Student number for this student. |
WhatCreated | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(50) | The process that originally created this record. |
WhatModified | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(50) | The process that modified this record. |
YEARID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | The school year id for this record. |