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This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type


BMI_0513.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)

Body Mass Index

BMI_9513.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Body Mass Index
HBP_DIAGNOSED13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Diagnosed with high blood pressure
HBP_MEDICATED13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates medication is taken for high blood pressure.
HEARING_REFERRED13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the student has been referred to doctor for hearing issues.
HEARING_SECURED_CARE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the student has secured care for hearing issues.
ORAL_DENTIST_REFERRED13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the student has been referred to the dentist for oral issues.
ORAL_SECURED_CARE13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the student has secured care for oral issues.
SCOLIOSIS_REFERRED13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the student has been referred to a doctor for scoliosis issues.
STUDENTSDCID13.6.0 NUMBER(19,0)Foreign key to link to the students table.
VISION_20_20013.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Vision test results.
VISION_COLOR_BLIND13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the student is color blind.
VISION_CONTACT_LENSES13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates that the student wears contact lenses.
VISION_GLASSES13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the student wears glasses.
VISION_TOTALLY_BLIND13.6.0 VARCHAR2(3)Indicates the student is legally blind.

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