S_NC_CTE_CONCSURVEY (ver 13.6.0)
This table is an extension of the Students table that stores data for the CTE Concentrator Survey.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
Armed_Forces_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student is now in the armed forces - values are 1 and 2. |
Capstone_Course | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(4) | The course number for a Capstone Course. |
Career_Cluster_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | The ID for the Career Cluster that the student completed. |
Comments | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2000) | Any comments that the student enters. |
Credential_Experience | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
Credential_Further_Studies | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
Credential_List | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2000) | Indicates the credentials the student received. |
Credential_Pay_Increase | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
CTE_DEV_Aware | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | Indicates the student's awareness of career and technical education programs. |
CTE_Major_Reason | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
CTE_ORG_DECA_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student participated in Distributive Education Clubs of America |
CTE_ORG_FBLA_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student participated in Future Business Leaders of America. |
CTE_ORG_FCCLA_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student participated in Family, Career and Community Leaders of America |
CTE_ORG_FFA_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student participated in Future Farmers of America |
CTE_ORG_Further_ED_EMP | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
CTE_ORG_HOSA_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student participated in Health Occupations of America |
CTE_ORG_NonAvailable_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student did not have any organizations available to them |
CTE_ORG_NoResponse_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates the student had no response to this question. |
CTE_ORG_SkillsUSA_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student participated in Skills USA. |
CTE_ORG_TSA_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student participated in Technology Student Association |
CTE_ORG_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student participated in another CTE organization. |
Edited_YN | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | |
EMP_Status_DET | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
EMP_Status_GEN | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
Personal_Status_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
Postsec_Credit_Helped | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
Postsec_ED_DET | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
Postsec_ED_FT | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates if the student is a full-time post secondary student. |
Postsec_ED_GEN | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | |
School_Year | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(8) | Indicates the school year for this data. |
StudentsDCID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(19,0) | Foreign key that links to the students table. |
Suggestions | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(2000) | Suggestions to improve the student's CTE experience. |
WhatCreated | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(50) | The system that created this record. |
WhatModified | 13.6.0 | VARCHAR2(50) | The system that modified this record. |
Work_Type_ID | 13.6.0 | NUMBER(11,0) | The ID of the type of employment for the student. |