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Approve Data Collection (Schools and LEA)

Once a school has reviewed and validated the data collection, the school can approve the data collection to the LEA.

  • Data can only be approved if there are no fatal exceptions.
  • Once a data collection is approved to LEA, the schools can only review and export data and exceptions.

The LEA reviews the data collection and approves to NCDPI. If there are data quality issues or missing information, the LEA can unapprove the school's data and return it to the school. At that time, the school must make corrections to their data, recollect, review and approve to the LEA once again.

  • Some data collections may be configured with an Unapprove button. LEAs can unapprove data collections for one or all schools as long as the data hasn't been approved to the state.
  • Once a data collection is approved to NCDPI, the LEA can only review and export data and exceptions.
  • Users have 24 hours to approve their data collection. If approval is not done within the 24 hours, the users must re-run the collection.
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