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S_MT_STU_Programs_X (ver 15.7.0)

This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table to the Students table.



Number (1,0)

Indicates the student has an IEP and is receiving services under IDEA. Migrates from [Students]MTSpecialEducationFlag

GradeOneTransitionInd15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is in a 1st grade transition program. Migrates from [Students]MT_1st_Transition
TwentyFirstCenturyInd15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates if the student participates in a 21st Century Community Learning Center Program. Migrates from [Students]MT_21st
Is50415.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates if the students is on a Section 504 Plan. Migrates from [Students]MT_504
Title1DelinquentProgram15.7.0Varchar2 (2)

Code specifying the type of Title I Part D program the student participates in. Migrates from [Students]MT_DelinquentProgram

EarlyInterventionStartDate15.7.0DateThe date the student began receiving services under Part B of IDEA. Migrates from [Students]MT_EarlyInterveningStartDate
EarlyInterventionEndDate15.7.0DateThe date the student stopped receiving services under Part B of IDEA. Migrates from [Students]MT_EarlyInterveningEndDate
EligibleANB21.8.2.0Varchar2 (1)Indicates whether the student is  Age 19 or 20 Eligible for ANB
ForeignExch15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is a foreign exchange student from outside the US. Migrates from [Students]MT_ForeignExchange
GiftedTalented15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates if the student has been identified as gifted or talented. Migrates from [Students]MT_GiftedTalented
GiftedTalentedEval21.10.1.1Number (1,0)Indicates if the student has been evaluated as gifted or talented.
IndianLangImmProgram20.10.1.0Varchar2 (1)Indicates if the student is in an Indian Language Immersion Program
KGUnderFiveBrdAppdDt20.10.1.0DateKindergarten Under age 5 board approved
ReceivesSES15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student receives Supplemental Educational Services under Title I. Migrates from [Students]MT_ReceivesSES
ServiceType15.7.0Varchar2 (1)Indicates the type of services the student receives in the district for this enrollment. Migrates from [Students]MT_ServiceType
SPEDStatus15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student has an IEP and is receiving services under IDEA. Migrates from [Students]MT_SPED_Status
Title1Guidance15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving services in a Title I Guidance/Advocacy program. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1Guidance
Title1Health15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving services in a Title I Health Program. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1Health
Title1Math15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving services in a Title I Math Program. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1Math
Title1Neglected15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is identified and receiving services provided by a public or private residential facility. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1Neglected
Title1InstructOther15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving services in a Title I instructional program other than those listed. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1Other
Title1Science15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving services in a Title I Science Program. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1Science
Title1SocScience15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving services in a Title I Social Sciences Program. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1SocialSciences
Title1SuppServicesOther15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving targeted assistance services in a Title I support program other than those listed. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1SupportServicesOther
Title1Reading15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving services in a Title I Reading/Language Arts Program. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1Reading
Title1Vocational15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is receiving services in a Title I Vocational/Career Program. Migrates from [Students]MT_Title1Vocational
Section504StartDate22.3.2.0DateIndicate the 504 handicap start date
Section504EndDate22.3.2.0DateIndicate the 504 handicap end date

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