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S_MT_REN_Academics_X (ver 15.7.0)

This table is an extension of the ReEnrollments table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary key that relates the extended table to the ReEnrollments table.



Varchar2 (1)The hours of pupil instruction for which a school course or program is offered or for which a pupil is enrolled. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_AggregateHours
AreaOfConcentration15.7.0Varchar2 (2)The CTE (Career Technical Education) program area in which the majority of the CTE credits were earned. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_AreaOfConcentration
CTEInd15.7.0Number (1,0)Indicates the student is a 12th grade student who has earned 3 or more credits in a CTE area of concentration. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_CTE
CTEFollowUpDateContacted15.7.0DateThe date a prior year CTE student was contacted to determine their post graduation status. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_DateContacted
PostGradStatus15.7.0Varchar2 (2)The primary placement status of a CTE Concentrator in the fourth quarter of the year of graduation. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_PostGraduationStatus
DiplomaPeriod15.7.0Varchar2 (2)

The time a student took to graduate from the first date they entered 9th grade to the date of graduation. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_DiplomaPeriod

DiplomaType15.7.0Varchar2 (2)The type of diploma a student is awarded by a district. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_DiplomaType
DropOut15.7.0Varchar2 (2) Code showing the reason the student dropped out of school. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_DropOut
HalfDayKG15.7.0Number (1,0) Indicates the student is enrolled in a half day kindergarten program. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_Half_Day_KG
NoShow15.7.0Number (1,0) Indicates the student was expected to attend the school but did not show up to attend. Migrates from [Reenrollments]MT_NoShow

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