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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States: Common CRDC Report Version Update

Common CRDC report version has been updated to display the state-specific version.


All States: Federal Race Code Data Mapping Fix

System CRDC 2021-22 Report has been fixed to pull the student and teacher race, Federal Codes for Race have been mapped correctly.


MSIS 2.0: CEDS-JSON Production Rollout

The PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) configuration items are now set by default to connect to the MSIS 2.0 Production-level Operational Data Store (ODS).

The following configuration items are updated:

  • Data Exchange URL:

  • Authentication URL:

  • Scope: api://msis2-prod/.default


MSIS 2.0: CEDS-JSON Upgrade to API 2.0 Endpoint

Additional Reference: PSSR-336832

The CEDS-JSON resources are now published as per API 2.0 Endpoint. The K12 Organization and the K12 Student resources are updated. As per the new endpoint specification, the JSON now contains Metadata and Data tags. The Metadata tag includes the district number and the Data tag includes the actual resource content.

Note: This applies to all current and future resources.


MSIS 2.0: CEDS-JSON: K12 Resource Student Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-327601, PSSR-327603, PSSR-327605

K12Student: Version 1.0

As part of the MSIS 2.0 CEDS-JSON pilot, the K12 Student resource is now available to publish. It includes blocks of data in the following areas:

  • Identification: This includes the student's name and state student number.

  • Demographics: This includes the student’s birth date, birth state, sex, ethnicity, race, and military-connected indicator

  • Statuses: This includes the student’s economic status, transportation status, and awaiting foster care status.

  • Enrollments: This includes the student’s current and previous enrollments in the current school year along with details like Entry Date, Entry Type, Exit Date, Exit/Withdrawal Type, and Enrollment Status.

Important: The student must NOT be excluded from state reporting. Also, the school must NOT be excluded from reporting.

Note: The Parent/Guardian Contact information will be available in a future release.


MSIS 2.0: CEDS-JSON: K12 Organization Resource Update

K12Organization: Version 1.0

The K12 Organization resource is updated, and it now publishes the Address section under the K12 School section with the address and the type of address correctly.


MSIS 2.0: CEDS-JSON: K12 Student Academic Record Resource Publishing

K12StudentAcademic: Version 1.0

As part of the MSIS 2.0 CEDS-JSON pilot, the K12 Student Academic Record resource is now available to publish. This includes course grades, graduation-related data, and academic awards.

Important: The student must NOT be excluded from state reporting. Also, the school must NOT be excluded from reporting.


MSIS 2.0: CEDS-JSON: K12 Student Attendance Resource Publishing

K12StudentAttendance: Version 1.0

As part of the MSIS 2.0 CEDS-JSON pilot, the K12 Student Attendance resource is available to publish the attendance records of a student. As per the requirements, the attendance is published for the past 45 school days including today. This excludes Saturdays, Sundays, and days not in session like holidays or teacher work days.

Important: The student must NOT be excluded from state reporting. Also, the school must NOT be excluded from reporting.

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