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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-316201Monthly Student Data Report Update

Monthly Student Data: Version 11.4

The Monthly Student Data Report has been updated to show validations if the data is unavailable for PERMADDR and EMERGENCY blocks for new student contacts when run without bypassing the validation.

PSSR-316006Monthly Student Data Report Update

Monthly Student Data: Version 11.4

  • The Monthly Student Data Report is updated to ensure that when the Use New Students Contact parameter is set to “Yes” and if there is no data for the contacts, all the tags in the ‘PERMADDR' & 'EMERGENCY' blocks are extracted with empty tag values in the output.
  • The logic to extract PERMADDR values has been updated to ensure that the record will be pulled only if only the “Lives With” flag is checked.
PSSR-306439MS: Attendance Reconciliation - Poorly Performing TLIST SQL Query is causing outages

Attendance Reconciliation Report Version - 1.5

The Attendance Reconciliation Report was removed from the state report page and merged with the existing Attendance Reconciliation export.

The existing Attendance Reconciliation Export is updated to have a new parameter Report Output Type with the following options.

  1. HTML - The HTML output matches closely with the current Attendance Reconciliation Report. This option is selected by default.
  2. TAB -The TAB-delimited output must not be changed or affected.

The existing Attendance Reconciliation Export is renamed as Attendance Reconciliation

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