Incident Type Codes (Discipline_IncidentTypeCategory)
The Disciplinary Action Type code is entered for each discipline-related log entry created for a student.
Use the following steps to edit the Incident Type Codes:
- Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > Log Entry Fields.
- Click Discipline_IncidentTypeCategory. The Edit Log Entry Field page appears.
- In the Data for Popup or Radio buttons field, enter the appropriate command using the following syntax:
[code];[display text]
Note: [code] is the Disciplinary Primary Reason code listed in the table below, [display text] is the text you would like to display in the pop-up menu for that code. For example: ASLT;Assault . Each code;displaytext combination should be separated by carriage return.
It is recommended to enter the following as the first entry in the Data for Popup or Radio buttons field: ;Please Select;*
4.Click Submit.
Note: For instructions on adding, editing, and deleting log entry fields, see "Log Entry Fields" in PowerSchool Help.
Code | Definition |
Alternative Education Codes | |
ASAE | Alternative Education after expulsion |
ASCO | School District approved Court Order |
ASCP | Alternative Education after Corporal Punishment |
ASFY | Begins School Year in Alternative School |
ASGD | GED Option |
ASHO | Alternative Education by Order of Hearing Officer ** May be no longer allowed, is listed in one state document, but not another. |
ASHS | Alternative Education after Suspension |
ASOS | Arrest for Crime off School Property |
ASPR | Parental Request |
ASRR | Remedial Reason |
ASSA | School Attendance |
ASTS | Release from Training School |
Persistently Dangerous School Codes | |
ASLT | Assault |
BULLY | Bullying |
EXTN | Extortion |
FIGHT | Fighting |
GANG | Gang Related |
HGUN | Firearms Possession - Handgun |
HOCI | Homicide |
KNAP | Kidnapping |
MYHM | Mayhem |
PSNG | Poisoning |
RAPE | Rape |
RIFLE | Firearms Possession - Rifle or Shotgun |
ROBB | Robbery |
STAS | Staff Assault |
STKG | Stalking |
SXBT | Sexual Battery |
WPOS | Weapon Possession |
State Law Codes | |
ALC | Alcohol |
BTHR | Bomb Threat |
DCOND | Disorderly Conduct |
DRUG | Possession of Drugs |
THEF | Theft |
TRES | Trespassing |
VAND | Vandalism |
Use to Track the Disposition | |
NCB | Non Criminal Behavior Any incident, which is a violation of school policy, but is NOT a violation of the law. Example: Disrespect to teachers, insubordination, or defiant behavior. |