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Incident Reported By Code (Discipline_Reporter)

The Reported By Code is entered for each discipline-related log entry created for a student.

Use the following steps to edit the Disciplinary Action Type codes:

  1. Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > Log Entry Fields.
  2. Click Discipline_Reporter. The Edit Log Entry Field page appears.
  3. In the Data for Popup or Radio buttons field, enter the appropriate command using the following syntax:

[code];[display text]

Note: [code] is the Reported By Code listed in the table below, [display text] is the text you would like to display in the pop-up menu for that code. For example: S;School Personnel . Each code;displaytext combination should be separated by carriage return.

It is recommended to enter the following as the first entry in the Data for Popup or Radio buttons field: ;Please Select;*

4.Click Submit.

Note: For instructions on adding, editing, and deleting log entry fields, see "Log Entry Fields" in PowerSchool Help.




School Personnel


Non-School Personnel




Non-Student Other

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