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Incident Disposition Description (Discipline_ActionTakenDetail)

A Incident Disposition Description code is entered for each discipline-related log entry created for a student. Disposition Description values are not state mandated but are state reported. Enter as many Incident Disposition Descriptions as are needed for your District. Use the following steps to edit the Disciplinary Action Type codes:

  1. On the Start Page, under Setup, click District. The District Setup page appears
  2. Under Discipline and Log Entries, click Log Entry Fields. The Log Entry Setup page appears.
  3. Click Discipline_ActionTakenDetail. The Edit Log Entry Field page appears.
  4. In the Input Type field, choose Popup menu.
  5. In the Data for Popup or Radio buttons field, enter the appropriate command using the following syntax:

[code];[display text]

Press Enter after each command

Note: [code] is the Disciplinary Primary Reason code listed in the table below, ;[display text] is the text you want to display in the pop-up menu for that code. For example: Alternative School;Alternative School. It is recommended that you enter the following as the first entry in the Data for Popup or Radio buttons field: ;Please Select;*

4.Click Submit.

Note: For instructions on adding, editing, and deleting log entry fields, see "Log Entry Fields" in Help > System Help

The below list are examples. Create as many different options as are needed for your District.



[Suspension OSS]

;[Suspension, out-of-school, without services]

The student was removed from his or her regular classroom and assigned to an in-school suspension program for 10 or fewer days. Report all incidences of greater than one-half of a school day.

[Expulsion without services]

;[Expulsion without services]

The student was expelled from all school district settings, for more than 10 days, with total cessation of educational services.

[Alternative School]

;[Alternative School]

The student was reassigned to another school facility or program (for more than 10 days) that allowed him/her to continue to participate in the general curriculum at a school setting. Include students receiving prescribed special education services who continue to receive these services (for these students, temporary placement must not exceed 45 days).

[Suspension ISS]

;[Suspension, in-school]

The student was removed from his or her regular classroom and assigned to an in-school suspension program for 10 or fewer days. Report all incidents of great than one-half of a school day.

Additional Codes as Needed

Add additional Incident Disposition Description Codes and Descriptions as needed.
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