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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated and can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer to PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.


All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Report Update

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.5
Fixed formatting issues in the Office Visit Clinic Log report: added missing spaces in PDF labels and removed extra spaces in HTML labels.


Ed-Fi: 2023-2024 SLDS - Organization Resource Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-337147, PSSR-337148

As part of the MO Ed-Fi pilot, the K12 Organization resource is available for publishing. It includes information about organization's room number, class periods, calendars, sessions, courses and sections.

Important: Code set mappings set up needs to be done prior to publishing of organization resources.


Ed-Fi: 2023-2024 SLDS - Student Academic Record Resource Update

As part of the MO Ed-Fi pilot, the K12 Student Academic Record resource is now available to publish. This includes grading periods, course grades, and graduation-related data.

Important: The student and the school must not be excluded from state reporting.


Ed-Fi: 2023-2024 SLDS - Student Assessments Resource Update

As part of the MO Ed-Fi pilot, the K12 Student Assessments Record resource is now available to publish. This includes student test data and corresponds to MOSIS ASVAB and Assessment Pre-code Extract reports.

Important: ASVAB set up needs to be done at the district level. The student and the school must not be excluded from state reporting.


Ed-Fi: 2023-2024 SLDS - Student Homeless Program Resource Update

As part of the MO Ed-Fi pilot, the K12 Student Homeless Program resource is now available to publish.

Important: The student and the school must not be excluded from state reporting.


Ed-Fi: 2023-2024 SLDS - Student Resource Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-337155, PSSR-337152, PSSR-337154, PSSR-337150

As part of the MO Ed-Fi pilot, the K12 Student resource is now available to publish. It includes blocks of data in the following areas:

  • Identification: This includes the student's name, birth date, sex and state student number.

  • Demographics: This includes the student's ethnicity, race, address, and other basic indicators.

  • Enrollments: This includes the student's current and previous enrollments in the current school year along with details like Entry Date, Entry Type, Exit Date, Exit/Withdrawal Type, and Enrollment Status.

  • Responsible Organizations: This includes responsibility of an organization towards a student like Attendance, Residency, CTE, Sending/Receiving etc.

  • Sections: This includes course and section details of a student in the current school year enrollment.

Important: The student and the school must not be excluded from state reporting.


Ed-Fi: 2023-2024 SLDS - Student Special Education Program Resource Update

As part of the MO Ed-Fi pilot, the K12 Student Special Education Program(SPED) resource is now available to publish. This includes student's IEP and SPED information.

Important: The student and the school must not be excluded from state reporting.


Ed-Fi: 2023-20244 SLDS - Student Language Instruction Program Resource Update

As part of the MO Ed-Fi pilot, the K12 Student Language Instruction Program(ELL) resource is now available to publish. This includes student's ELL data and title 3 information.

Important: The student and the school must not be excluded from state reporting.


Ed-Fi: Ed-Fi Pilot Rollout - SLDS 2023-2024

The Ed-Fi API is automatically created and enabled in Missouri for the 2023-2024 school year to connect to the pilot ODS.

  • EDFI_MO_4(type) profile is created and named SLDS 2023-2024 in the PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) plugin. Users can access it by enabling the plugin from the Plugin Configuration page.

  • The options school years, data changes, download, publish are selected by default on the Data Exchange Setup page.

  • Users can enter the key/secret on the Data Exchange Setup page under the Configure link to get started.

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