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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


A+ Page Update for Daily Attendance and Virtual Courses

The A+ Program page is updated to consider total minutes entered in Daily Attendance, format with 4 decimals, and include virtual attendance.

Navigation: Student, Compliance, A+ Program (Aplus Program Tab)

The attendance calculations have the same rules as the Student Enrollment and Attendance report.

  • Absences = PS_Membership_defaults.potential_minutes_present - PS_Attendance_Daily.total_minutes.

  • Present = PS_Membership_defaults.potential_minutes_present - Absences (derived with or without Virtual Attendance)

An asterisk (as *Grade) indicates the student’s grade level in the current school year and the calculations only apply to the current grade level.


All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Out Report Update

A Favorite icon is available next to the page header, allowing users to easily add the current system report to their favorites with a click. This applies to reports using the State Reporting Platform (SRP) (indicated by the existence of an icon to the left of the report name).


All States/Provinces: Improved Gender Inclusivity in Discipline Incident Letters Report

Discipline Incident Letters Report: Version 1.3

The Discipline Incident Letters Report now includes all headers and paragraphs for students of any gender identity. Previously, these sections were missing for non-binary or other gender identities.


New District-level Configuration for Virtual Attendance Hours

A new Include Virtual Attendance? field is added to the district configuration to include/exclude Virtual Attendance in the A+ attendance calculations. If the Include Virtual Attendance? flag is checked, then the virtual attendance is included.

Navigation: District Management > District Setup > District Info > Compliance Tab

Check this box if you want virtual attendance included in the following places:

  • Store Historic Attendance Information for A+ BETA report.

  • Hours Attended Regular and Hours Absent Regular on the A+ Program page for the current grade level.
    Navigation: Student > Compliance > A+ Program > Attendance Details

This flag will later be applied to other Attendance reports. The internal Pref name is MO_IncludeVirtualAttendFlag.


Store Historical A+ Report Update for Daily Attendance and Virtual Courses

Store Historic Attendance Information for A+ BETA: Version 0.2b

This Store Historic Attendance Information for A+ BETA report is updated to consider total minutes entered in Daily Attendance, format with 4 decimals, and include virtual attendance.

The attendance calculations have the same rules as the Student Enrollment and Attendance report.

  • Absences = PS_Membership_defaults.potential_minutes_present - PS_Attendance_Daily.total_minutes.

  • Present = PS_Membership_defaults.potential_minutes_present - Absences (derived with or without Virtual Attendance)

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