State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
PSSR-343830 | June Student Discipline Incident Management Updates | Additional Reference: PSSR-345813 Student Discipline Incident Management: Version 1.1 The June Student Discipline Incident Management extract is updated: The Action and Object code runtime parameters now pull dynamically from the Incident Management Setup. The report excludes discipline records with a policy description if the subcode (action or behavior) has one. This means items for CRDC only are excluded. If a state-reportable behavior, action, or object code is divided into subcodes, then the report includes discipline records if the subcode is not state-reportable. The system assumes that all subcodes under a state-reportable parent code are also state-reportable. The extract reports the state aggregate report code for action, behavior, and object. Note: This does not apply to the Duration Code.
Additionally, there are updates to the Incident Management Setup: The Weapon Possession code is updated from WP to W to match the state requirement. The Policy Description has been updated to null for object codes and action codes that apply to both state and federal reporting. Comments under Action Attributes are disabled by default.