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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report - HTML Output Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-320593

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.7

The Attendance Profile report has been updated and will the result file will be in HTML (rather than PDF). This change allows for a dynamic presentation of the data which will make the report results more user friendly.


All States/Provinces: Immunization Rules Engine Update for Student Date Fields

The Immunization Rules Engine and rules can now be written that compare dose dates to a student’s entry date (into school).

Note: Immunization compliance rules must be updated to take advantage of this new functionality.


June Student Discipline Incident Report Update

June Student Discipline Incident: Version 2.4

The June Student Discipline Incident report logic is updated to pull the student records even if the report end date is greater than or equal to the last in-session day before the enrollment exit date.


Missouri State Information Page Updates

MO_Aplus_Mentor_Total and MO_GPA have been migrated to a new extended table column and there is no difference in functionality and data.


Convert UI APlus Custom Fields with Extension table/fields

Custom fields on the Student APlus tab were converted to table extension fields. The page functionality and persistence do not change.


Student Core Extract Report 5.3 - S_MO_STU_X.Months_USA Incorrectly Updated/Output

Student Core Extract Report: Version 5.4

The Student Core Extract Report logic is updated to extract the Override Number of Months in the USA field. When the field Override Number of Months in the USA (S_MO_STU_X.Months_USA) has a value of 36 months or over the extract will report 36. The recalculation will only occur if the field is blank. The recalculation logic uses the LEP/ELL Status of NRC, RCV, MY1, and MY2 (not AY3 and AY4) and the Date of Entry into the USA field.


Student Core Report - December Cycle to include SPED students only

Student Core Extract Report: Version 5.4

Student Core Extract Repor is updated to extract the SPED students to be included or excluded in the Student Core Report for December Cycle. The following criteria identify the students as the SPED Students:

  • The IEP disability code is anything other than 00 AND

  • The SPED Exit date IS blank or AFTER December 1.


UI - Convert GetCF to Direct Extended fFeld

Converted GetCF to direct extended field for AllInfo tab on the Student selection.

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