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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-300225All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences - API Updates

Validations to allow alphanumeric characters are added for all Digital Equity and Learning Preference fields, enabling the values inserted via API to be visible in the Digital Equity and Learning Preferences UI.

PSSR-302927MSIP5 Attendance Requirements Report Update

MSIP5 Attendance Requirements: Version 1.2

The MSIP5 Attendance Requirements report is updated to handle the divide by zero error by excluding students having negative attendance absence values equal to the presence value.

PSSR-300939Multiple State Reports - Performance Improvement (GetCF)

Additional Reference: PSSR-300950, PSSR-300945

MSIP5 Attendance Requirements: Version 1.2

ASVAB Report: Version 1.3

June Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO): Version 1.5

Direct Certification Extract: Version 1.5

Educator Core Extract: Version 1.7

Student A+ Detail Extract: Version1.5

Multiple Missouri State Reports are updated to achieve better performance and the GetCF methods are replaced with database extension fields.

PSSR-305359Student Core Extract Update

Student Core Extract: Version 5.1

The Student Core Extract report is updated to populate On track to Graduate and Credits Earned and to include in the extract for each reporting cycle.

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