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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-239093MOSIS Data Entry Update

A 404 error occurs when navigating from the State/Province - MO pages to student selection pages. This issue is now resolved.

PSSR-243297MOSIS Student Core Report Updates

Student Core Extract version 4.3

The Student Core Report now includes the following fields:

  • Instruction Method
  • Internet In Residence
  • Device Access
  • PK Replacement ID

The Internet In Residence and Device Access map to the following DESE codes:

MO State Code
InternetAccessInResidence1Yes - Internet Access In ResidenceY
InternetAccessInResidence2No - Not AvailableN
InternetAccessInResidence3No - Not AffordableN
InternetAccessInResidence4No - OtherN
InternetAccessInResidenceEmptySelect Code U
PrimaryDeviceAccess1Personal - Dedicated (one person per machine)Y
PrimaryDeviceAccess2Personal - Shared (sharing among others in household)Y
PrimaryDeviceAccess3School Provided - DedicatedY
PrimaryDeviceAccess4School Provided - SharedY
PrimaryDeviceAccessEmptySelect Code U

If there is more than one learning preference record, the most recent record that has an effective date less than the report end date is reported. The report end date is determined by the reporting cycle similar to the Student Core Report.

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