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CRDC Specific to Missouri: S_SEC_CRDC_X (ver 14.9.3)

This table is an extension of the [Sections] table and provides CRDC-specific fields for Missouri. To view additional CRDC fields used by all states, refer to S_SEC_CRDC_X in the All States Data Dictionary.

Column Name


Data Type


SectionsDCID14.9.3Number(10,0)Foreign Key
APSubjectArea14.9.3Varchar2(5)Does this fall under a specific Advanced Placement (AP) subject area?
CourseTypeAdvMath_YN14.9.3Varchar2(1)Does this qualify as an Advanced Math course?
CourseTypeAlgebraI_YN14.9.3Varchar2(1)Does this qualify as an Algebra I course?
CourseTypeAlgebraII_YN14.9.3Varchar2(1)Does this qualify as an Algebra II course?
CourseTypeBiology_YN14.9.3Varchar2(1)Does this qualify as an Biology course?
CourseTypeCalculus_YN14.9.3Varchar2(1)Does this qualify as an Calculus course?
CourseTypeChemistry_YN14.9.3Varchar2(1)Does this qualify as an Chemistry course?
CourseTypeGeometry_YN14.9.3Varchar2(1)Does this qualify as an Geometry course?
CourseTypePhysics_YN14.9.3Varchar2(1)Does this qualify as an Physics course?
SingleSexCode14.9.3Varchar2(1)Is this restricted to a single gender?
SubjectCat14.9.3Varchar2(5)Which subject category does this fall under?
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