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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-293646All States/Provinces:  Attendance Change History Report - Report Parameter Update

Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.1

The Attendance Change History report page has been updated and now the report parameter drop-down boxes will populate as expected after moving the view to a repo schema call.

PSSR-297153All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preference - Localization Update

Additional References: PSSR-297785

The Digital Equity & Learning Preferences screens in the portals listed below can now be localized:

  • Admin Portal
  • Parent Portal
PSSR-289865All States/Provinces: Enrollment Entry-Exit Code List Changes

To support the Entry/Exit Code changes in PowerSchool 22.5.0 and maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of PowerSchool, updates have been made and now the end users will see the following:

  • PowerSchool version 22.5.0 (or greater) - The Entry/Exit Codes will show as inactive after the defined effective end date.
  • PowerSchool versions prior to 22.5.0 - Entry/Exit Codes will behave as they always have (cannot be inactivated).
PSSR-280589All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Update

Student incident Profile: Version 1.2

The Student Incident Profile report has been updated and will now print the incident description up to 4000 characters.

PSSR-248758All States/Provinces: System Log Error - "Field not added due to unsupported attribute" Update

The validation has been updated and this error will no longer propagate in the system log.

PSSR-282994All States/Provinces: Updated Contact Tracing System Report

Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.5

The Contact Tracing report has been updated to resolve the following error:

ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row.

PSSR-275395Ed-Fi: Add Exclude from Ed-Fi for Students

A new Exclude from Ed-Fi checkbox in added in the current enrollment and previous enrollment page to exclude or to include a student from Ed-Fi.

PSSR-291773Ed-Fi: Update on Begin Date & Exit date for Programs

The Begin Date and Exit Date field logic has been updated for all Programs Association resources. The logic will be similar to MARSS-B SRP report.
The Start Date and End Date of the MARSS-B report and Ed-Fi Student School Associations resource will be same.

PSSR-291801Funding Source Updates

The Funding Source select list is updated per MDE (Select Student > State/Province - MN > Other Functions/Information > Early Education Enrollment > Fund Source).

PSSR-286892New Teacher Days Per Term Field

A new ‘Teacher Days’ field is added to Schools > Years and Terms > Edit Terms to record the number of teacher days in a term per school.

PSSR-293128School Level Virtual Status - New

A new school level select list for Virtual Status (VSS) for Ed-Fi Reporting is added with the following options:

  • Blank
  • ‘01’ - Exclusively virtual (FULLVIRTUAL)
  • ‘02’ - Primarily Virtual (FACEVIRTUAL)
  • ‘03’ - Supplemental Virtual (SUPPVIRTUAL)
  • ‘04’ - No virtual instruction (NOTVIRTUAL)
PSSR-295593Sections - EE Site Number Update

A new Site Number field is added to the Sections > Minnesota Common Course Catalog (MCCC) – Early Education page. The following reports are updated to use the new field:

  • MCCC Course Extract
  • MCCC Staff Extract
  • MCCC Student Extract
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