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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-288086Ed-Fi: Changes to ClassPeriods

Class Periods publishing logic via Ed-Fi has been changed from Period and Cycle day logic to Period and Bell Schedule logic . The changes are state specific and applicable only for Minnesota.

PSSR-290961Ed-Fi: Default State Aid and Transportation

In the StudentSchoolAssociation resource, the fields stateAidCategoryDescriptor and transportationCategoryDescriptor require an update to extract a value of ‘00’ when both the school override fields is blank and the student/reenrollment value is blank.

PSSR-287421Ed-Fi: Grading Period Descriptor Update

The System code has been modified to download new Grading Period Descriptor values. The session resource will now publish new Grading Period Descriptor values. Flexibility is also given to the user to maintain Grading Period Descriptor at School Level via Code Set Mapping.

PSSR-290812Ed-Fi: Incorrect value for "percentEnrolled"

Percent Enrolled showing incorrect value when the Override student value and always report this value on the report is not checked , by default the value gets stored as null in the DB. Now we fixed the code and showing the correct value.

PSSR-288370Ed-Fi: Update Session Resource

For a school that has Direct Pay courses, a session record appears for the year long session with NS at the end of the session key.

PSSR-289154Ed-Fi: Update Term Descriptors

The state of Minnesota has updated Term Descriptors to no longer use “Fall Semester” and “Spring Semester”. Instead “First Semester” and “Second Semester” will be used. Mappings and downloaded codeset values for “Fall Semester” and “Spring Semester” will be automatically removed when installing this release. Also Semester terms in PowerSchool will default to “First Semester” and “Second Semester” instead of “Fall Semester” and “Spring Semester”.

PSSR-286428Ed-Fi: Update Transportation on Student School Association

Adjustment in the logic in such a way that Transportation Category is published as ‘00’ regardless of what is entered in the UI when the State Aid Category is '98'.

PSSR-286723Ed-Fi: Updates for CourseCourseAssociation

The Course Course Association resource has been updated to include Direct Pay courses.
The Course Code field has now been updated to publish the actual Course Number.

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