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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-308809All States/Provinces: System Reports Missing - Update

The reposchema is updated with a precondition to ensure the script runs (at the correct time); This will ensure all reports load as expected on the System Reports tab.

PSSR-303959Ed-Fi: Update to Parents Resource

Minnesota Ed-Fi: Parents/Contacts update

Updated the Parents resource so that the highestCompletedLevelOfEducationDescriptor will be located outside of the Minnesota extension for the 22-23-year-old and above. While the 21-22-year-old and below will still retain the highestCompletedLevelOfEducationDescriptor inside the Minnesota extension.

PSSR-307786MCCC New Direct and Non-Direct Pay Fields on Historical Grades

MCCC Student Extract Version: 2.5

Two new fields are added as college grade overrides for Direct and Non Direct Pay courses. The following fields are added to the student Historical Grades (Stored Grades) page:

  • College Credits Earned  ([S_MN_SGR_X]MCCC_EarnedCrhrs)
  • College Grade Earned ([S_MN_SGR_X]MCCC_Grade_Reported)

When a course is a Direct Pay the following is true:

  • If the College Credits Earned is populated on the Historical Grade page this field will report as the College Credits Earned on the MCCC Student Extract. If the field is blank, the report will be populated with the Earned Credit Hours from the Historical Grades page.
  • If the College Grade Earned is populated on the Historical Grade page this field will report as the College Mark Earned on the MCCC Student Extract. If the field is blank, the report will be populated with the Grade from the Historical Grade page. If the Grade is associated to a Grade Scale Grade with a ‘Grade for MCCC Reporting’ selected, the ‘Grade for MCCC Reporting’ will be reported [S_MN_GSI_X]MCCC_Grade_Earned) in the MCCC Student Extract.

When a course is Non Direct Pay the following is true:

  • If the College Credits Earned is populated on the Historical Grade page this field will report as the College Credits Earned on the MCCC Student Extract. If the field is blank, the report will be populated with the College Course Credits on the Courses page in the College Course Association section.
  • If the College Grade Earned is populated on the Historical Grade page this field will be ignored and the grade reported is the grade from the Historical Grade page. If the Grade is associated to a Grade Scale Grade with a ‘Grade for MCCC Reporting’ selected, the ‘Grade for MCCC Reporting’ will be reported ([S_MN_GSI_X]MCCC_Grade_Earned) in the MCCC Student Extract.
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