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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-304424Ed-Fi: Update SchoolID on Early Education Program Record

The Early Education Program Record is using the school ID of the students table instead of the school ID of the enrollment. Due to this, when publishing data for a previous year and the student has changed schools, the current school value is the one used instead of the previous school year this has been corrected to use the Previous year School ID.

PSSR-299102MCCC Grades for Student without Stored Grades

MCCC Staff Extract: Version 1.9

MCCC Student Extract: Version 2.4

To allow districts to assign MCCC grades for courses and sections to students that have no historical (stored) grades, an option is created to report Grade Reported, Term Type and Term Number. To report the TermType, TermNumber and LocalMarkEarned in the MCCC Staff and MCCC Student Extracts with the overrides, use the following setup:

  • If the override is at the course level, the following fields need to be populated on the Courses page:
    • Grade Earned
    • Term Type
    • Term Number
  • If the override is at the section level, the following fields need to be populated on the Sections page:
    • Grade Earned
    • Term Type
    • Term Number
  • To override a MCCC student grade for a single student navigate to the student’s All Enrollment screen, select the class enrollment, and enter the override grade:
    • Grade Earned
  • Override options are reported in this order: Historical Grades, All Enrollments, Sections and Courses.

If any of these options are selected and there is not a historical (stored) grade the MCCC student and staff records associated to the course or section will be reported with the overrides.

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