S_MN_TESTINGDSR_S (ver 17.9.2)
This table is a standalone table and stores student-level testing results.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ID | 17.9.2 | Number (11,0) | Primary Key. |
Unique_ID | 17.9.2 | Number (11,0) | Primary key from the Virtual Table. |
Accommodation12 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used 12-point regular print paper test booklet with the document or test opportunity. |
Accommodation18 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used large print test book with the document or test opportunity. |
Accommodation24 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used large print test book with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationAT | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used assistive technology with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationBR | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used Braille version with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationCA | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used. |
AccommodationHM | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used. |
AccommodationMC | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used text-to-speech with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationMS | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used scripts with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationMT | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student had a recording of a reading test with this test opportunity. |
AccommodationOA | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used extended time or signed interpretation with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationOL | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used. |
AccommodationSC | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used scribe with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationSO | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used. |
AccommodationSP | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used. |
AccommodationSS | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used special settings with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationTD | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used signed interpretation of directions with the document or test opportunity. |
AccommodationVT | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used. |
AchievementLevel | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The student's achievement level or pass status. |
ADM97 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The student's Average Daily Membership (ADM) since 1997 (Approximate years in MN). |
AdultBasicEducationIndicator | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The student's adult basic education indicator. No longer being used. |
BaseItemHandScoreCount | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used.(FY18) |
BaseItemHandScorePoints | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
BaseItemMachineScoreCount | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used.(FY18) |
BaseItemMachineScorePoints | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used.(FY18) |
DateOfBirth | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(8) | The student's date of birth (YYYYMMDD). |
DocumentCharacteristic1 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | Document Code 1 (Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs). |
DocumentCharacteristic2 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | Document Code 2 (Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs). |
DocumentCharacteristic3 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | Document Code 3(Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs). |
DocumentCharacteristic4 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | Document Code 4(Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs). |
DocumentCharacteristic5 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | Document Code 5 (Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs). |
EthnicCode | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The student's race/ethnic reporting group. |
ForeignExchangeStudent | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's foreign exchange designation. No longer being used. |
FormNumber | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The form number (or tier for ACCESS). |
FRPFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's Free/Reduced Priced Meal eligible designation. |
Gender | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's gender. |
Grade | 17.9.2 | Number(25,10) | The grade level of the test. |
HomelessFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's homeless designation. |
HomeSchoolIndicator | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The student's home schooled designation. No longer being used. |
LanguageCode | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The primary language code spoken by student at home. |
LearningLocator | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(30) | Learning Locator (MCA only) |
LEPFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's English Learner (EL) designation. |
LexileScore | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Reading Lexile Score (Reading MCA only) |
LexileScoreRange | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Reading Lexile Score Range (Reading MCA only) |
LocalStudentID | 17.9.2 | Number(11,0) | The district's local student ID. |
MARSSStateReportingNumber | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The MARSS State Student ID. |
MIGFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's migrant designation. |
MTASOperationalPassage1 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | MTAS Passage Access indicator (1=read to; 2=read along, 3=read alone |
MTASOperationalPassage2 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | MTAS Passage Access indicator (1=read to; 2=read along, 3=read alone) |
MTASOperationalPassage3 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | MTAS Passage Access indicator (1=read to; 2=read along, 3=read alone) |
MTASPassageAccessAll | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | MTAS Passage Access indicators (operational and non-operational) |
NewToCountryFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates if the student is new to the country. No longer being used. |
OCT1DistrictFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicator if student was enrolled in same district on Oct 1. |
OCT1SchoolFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicator if student was enrolled in same school on Oct 1. |
Prior2YearLEPFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's English Learner designation within prior two years. |
Prior2YearSPEFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's Special Education designation within prior two years . |
PriorYear | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | No longer being used .(FY18) |
PriorYearScore | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(25) | The student’s prior year score for this subject . |
PriorYearTest | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(25) | The student’s prior year test code for this subject. |
PriorYearTestedGrade | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Reserved | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
SchoolID | 17.9.2 | Number (11,0) | The state assigned school number associated with the student test result. |
Score1 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score1Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank. For Reading and Math MCA 'Score1Characteristic’ may include a growth level. |
Score1Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing - see Score Label Definition tab in DSR/SSR |
Score1Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score1Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score1Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score2 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score2Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank. For Reading and Math MCA 'Score1Characteristic’ may include a growth level. |
Score2Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | State Percentile, Raw Score, or Performance within Subject |
Score2Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score2Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score2Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score3 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score3Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank. For Reading and Math MCA 'Score1Characteristic’ may include a growth level. |
Score3Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Raw Score, Strand/ Substrands, Performance within Subject |
Score3Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score3Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score3Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score4 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score4Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjectsmay include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A) |
Score4Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Strand/Substrands or Performance within Subject |
Score4Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score4Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score4Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score5 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score5Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjectsmay include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A) |
Score5Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Strand/ Substrands or Performance within Subject |
Score5Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score5Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score5Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score6 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score6Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjectsmay include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A) |
Score6Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Reading MCA VSS label, Strand/ Substrands or Performance within Subject |
Score6Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score6Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score6Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score7 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score7Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjectsmay include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A) |
Score7Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Strand/ Substrands or Performance within Subject |
Score7Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score7Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score7Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score8 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score8Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A) |
Score8Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Grades 3-8 Math MCA VSS label |
Score8Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score8Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score8Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. |
Score9 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score9Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A). |
Score9Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score9Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score9Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score9Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score10 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score10Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A). |
Score10Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score10Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score10Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score10Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score11 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score11Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A). |
Score11Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score11Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score11Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score11Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score12 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score12Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A). |
Score12Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score12Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score12Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score12Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score13 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score13Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score13Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score13Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score13Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score13Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score14 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score14Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank. |
Score14Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score14Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score14Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score14Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score15 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score15Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score15Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score15Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score15Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score15Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score16 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score16Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score16Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score16Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score16Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score16Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score17 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score17Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score17Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score17Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score17Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score17Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score18 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score18Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score18Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score18Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score18Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score18Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score19 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score19Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score19Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score19Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score19Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score19Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score20 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score20Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score20Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score20Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score20Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score20Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score21 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score21Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score21Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score21Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score21Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score21Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score22 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score22Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score22Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score22Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score22Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score22Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score23 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score23Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score23Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score23Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score23Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score23Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score24 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score24Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score24Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score24Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score24Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score24Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
Score25 | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The score associated with the score label. |
Score25Characteristic | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank |
Score25Label | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing. |
Score25Maximum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The maximum score associated with the score label. |
Score25Minimum | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The minimum score associated with the score label. |
Score25Sign | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
SecondaryDistrictNumber | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
SecondaryDistrictType | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
SecondarySchoolNumber | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
SignificantGap | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's significant gap designation. No longer being used. |
SLifeFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates a student with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education. |
SPECode | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The student's primary disability code or 504 accommodation code. |
SPEFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | The student's special education designation. |
StatusGroup | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
StudentFirstName | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(50) | The student's first name. |
StudentLastName | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(50) | The student's last name. |
StudentMiddleName | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(30) | The student's middle name. |
TestCode | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | Test code indicating Valid Score or why the test couldn't be scored. |
TestDate | 17.9.2 | Number(11,0) | The beginning of the the testing window for this assessment (YYYYMMDD) |
TestForm | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The test form (or cluster for ACCESS). |
TestName | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | The name of the assessment. |
TestSubject | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The subject of the assessment. |
TestingDistrictNumber | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The district number from where the test was generated. |
TestingDistrictType | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The district type from where the test was generated. |
TestingSchoolNumber | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(10) | The school number from where the test was generated. |
UIN | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(20) | Universal Identification Number (Unique record number for this test and subject). |
UnkFlag | 17.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | No longer being used. (FY18) |
ForeignKey | 17.9.2 | Number (11,0) | Default field. No longer used. |
ForeignKey_Alpha | 17.9.2 | Varchar2 (31) | Default field. No longer used. |