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S_MN_TESTINGDSR_S (ver 17.9.2)

This table is a standalone table and stores student-level testing results.

Column Name


Data Type


ID17.9.2Number (11,0)Primary Key.
Unique_ID17.9.2Number (11,0)Primary key from the Virtual Table.
Accommodation1217.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used 12-point regular print paper test booklet with the document or test opportunity.
Accommodation1817.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used large print test book with the document or test opportunity.
Accommodation2417.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used large print test book with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationAT17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used assistive technology with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationBR17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used Braille version with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationCA17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used.
AccommodationHM17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used.
AccommodationMC17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used text-to-speech with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationMS17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used scripts with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationMT17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student had a recording of a reading test with this test opportunity.
AccommodationOA17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used extended time or signed interpretation with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationOL17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used.
AccommodationSC17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used scribe with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationSO17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used.
AccommodationSP17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used.
AccommodationSS17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used special settings with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationTD17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used signed interpretation of directions with the document or test opportunity.
AccommodationVT17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student used this accommodation with the document or test opportunity. No longer being used.
AchievementLevel17.9.2Varchar2(10)The student's achievement level or pass status.
ADM9717.9.2Varchar2(10)The student's Average Daily Membership (ADM) since 1997 (Approximate years in MN).
AdultBasicEducationIndicator17.9.2Varchar2(10)The student's adult basic education indicator. No longer being used.
BaseItemHandScoreCount17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used.(FY18)
BaseItemHandScorePoints17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
BaseItemMachineScoreCount17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used.(FY18)
BaseItemMachineScorePoints17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used.(FY18)
DateOfBirth17.9.2Varchar2(8)The student's date of birth (YYYYMMDD).
DocumentCharacteristic117.9.2Varchar2(10)Document Code 1 (Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs).
DocumentCharacteristic217.9.2Varchar2(10)Document Code 2 (Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs).
DocumentCharacteristic317.9.2Varchar2(10)Document Code 3(Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs).
DocumentCharacteristic417.9.2Varchar2(10)Document Code 4(Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs).
DocumentCharacteristic517.9.2Varchar2(10)Document Code 5 (Example codes: SIG- Significant Gap; NTC- New To Country, FE- Foreign Exchange; HS- Home School Student; GRID-Identifiers manually gridded on paper docs).
EthnicCode17.9.2Varchar2(10)The student's race/ethnic reporting group.
ForeignExchangeStudent17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's foreign exchange designation. No longer being used.
FormNumber17.9.2Varchar2(10)The form number (or tier for ACCESS).
FRPFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's Free/Reduced Priced Meal eligible designation.
Gender17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's gender.
Grade17.9.2Number(25,10)The grade level of the test.
HomelessFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's homeless designation.
HomeSchoolIndicator17.9.2Varchar2(10)The student's home schooled designation. No longer being used.
LanguageCode17.9.2Varchar2(10)The primary language code spoken by student at home.
LearningLocator17.9.2Varchar2(30)Learning Locator (MCA only)
LEPFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's English Learner (EL) designation.
LexileScore17.9.2Varchar2(20)Reading Lexile Score (Reading MCA only)
LexileScoreRange17.9.2Varchar2(20)Reading Lexile Score Range (Reading MCA only)
LocalStudentID17.9.2Number(11,0)The district's local student ID.
MARSSStateReportingNumber17.9.2Varchar2(20)The MARSS State Student ID.
MIGFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's migrant designation.
MTASOperationalPassage117.9.2Varchar2(10)MTAS Passage Access indicator (1=read to; 2=read along, 3=read alone
MTASOperationalPassage217.9.2Varchar2(10)MTAS Passage Access indicator (1=read to; 2=read along, 3=read alone)
MTASOperationalPassage317.9.2Varchar2(10)MTAS Passage Access indicator (1=read to; 2=read along, 3=read alone)
MTASPassageAccessAll17.9.2Varchar2(20)MTAS Passage Access indicators (operational and non-operational)
NewToCountryFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is new to the country. No longer being used.
OCT1DistrictFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicator if student was enrolled in same district on Oct 1.
OCT1SchoolFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicator if student was enrolled in same school on Oct 1.
Prior2YearLEPFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's English Learner designation within prior two years.
Prior2YearSPEFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's Special Education designation within prior two years .
PriorYear17.9.2Varchar2(10)No longer being used .(FY18)
PriorYearScore17.9.2Varchar2(25)The student’s prior year score for this subject .
PriorYearTest17.9.2Varchar2(25)The student’s prior year test code for this subject.
PriorYearTestedGrade17.9.2Varchar2(1)No longer being used. (FY18)
Reserved17.9.2Varchar2(10)No longer being used. (FY18)
SchoolID17.9.2Number (11,0)The state assigned school number associated with the student test result.
Score117.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score1Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank. For Reading and Math MCA 'Score1Characteristic’ may include a growth level.
Score1Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing - see Score Label Definition tab in DSR/SSR
Score1Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score1Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score1Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score217.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score2Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank. For Reading and Math MCA 'Score1Characteristic’ may include a growth level.
Score2Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)State Percentile, Raw Score, or Performance within Subject
Score2Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score2Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score2Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score317.9.2Varchar2(20) The score associated with the score label.
Score3Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20) A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank. For Reading and Math MCA 'Score1Characteristic’ may include a growth level.
Score3Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Raw Score, Strand/ Substrands, Performance within Subject
Score3Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score3Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score3Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score417.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score4Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjectsmay include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A)
Score4Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Strand/Substrands or Performance within Subject
Score4Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score4Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score4Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score517.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score5Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjectsmay include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A)
Score5Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Strand/ Substrands or Performance within Subject
Score5Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score5Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score5Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score617.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score6Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjectsmay include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A)
Score6Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Reading MCA VSS label, Strand/ Substrands or Performance within Subject
Score6Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score6Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score6Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score717.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score7Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjectsmay include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A)
Score7Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Strand/ Substrands or Performance within Subject
Score7Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score7Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score7Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score817.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score8Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A)
Score8Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Grades 3-8 Math MCA VSS label
Score8Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score8Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score8Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used.
Score917.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score9Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A).
Score9Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score9Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score9Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score9Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1017.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score10Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A).
Score10Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score10Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score10Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score10Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1117.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score11Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A).
Score11Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score11Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score11Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score11Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1217.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score12Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)For all MCA subjects may include Strand Performance Level Descriptors of Below (B), At or Near (N), or Above (A).
Score12Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score12Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score12Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score12Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1317.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score13Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score13Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score13Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score13Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score13Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1417.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score14Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank.
Score14Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score14Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score14Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score14Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1517.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score15Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score15Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score15Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score15Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score15Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1617.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score16Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score16Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score16Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score16Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score16Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1717.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score17Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score17Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score17Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score17Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score17Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1817.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score18Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score18Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score18Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score18Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score18Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score1917.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score19Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score19Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score19Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score19Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score19Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score2017.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score20Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score20Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score20Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score20Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score20Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score2117.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score21Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score21Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score21Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score21Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score21Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score2217.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score22Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score22Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score22Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score22Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score22Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score2317.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score23Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score23Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score23Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score23Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score23Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score2417.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score24Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score24Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score24Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score24Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score24Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
Score2517.9.2Varchar2(20)The score associated with the score label.
Score25Characteristic17.9.2Varchar2(20)A score may have an associated characteristic or this field may be blank
Score25Label17.9.2Varchar2(20)Each score has a label describing what the score is referencing.
Score25Maximum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The maximum score associated with the score label.
Score25Minimum17.9.2Varchar2(20)The minimum score associated with the score label.
Score25Sign17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
SecondaryDistrictNumber17.9.2Varchar2(10)No longer being used. (FY18)
SecondaryDistrictType17.9.2Varchar2(10)No longer being used. (FY18)
SecondarySchoolNumber17.9.2Varchar2(10)No longer being used. (FY18)
SignificantGap17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's significant gap designation. No longer being used.
SLifeFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)Indicates a student with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education.
SPECode17.9.2Varchar2(10)The student's primary disability code or 504 accommodation code.
SPEFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)The student's special education designation.
StatusGroup17.9.2Varchar2(20)No longer being used. (FY18)
StudentFirstName17.9.2Varchar2(50)The student's first name.
StudentLastName17.9.2Varchar2(50)The student's last name.
StudentMiddleName17.9.2Varchar2(30)The student's middle name.
TestCode17.9.2Varchar2(10)Test code indicating Valid Score or why the test couldn't be scored.
TestDate17.9.2Number(11,0)The beginning of the the testing window for this assessment (YYYYMMDD)
TestForm17.9.2Varchar2(10)The test form (or cluster for ACCESS).
TestName17.9.2Varchar2(20)The name of the assessment.
TestSubject17.9.2Varchar2(10)The subject of the assessment.
TestingDistrictNumber17.9.2Varchar2(10)The district number from where the test was generated.
TestingDistrictType17.9.2Varchar2(10)The district type from where the test was generated.
TestingSchoolNumber17.9.2Varchar2(10)The school number from where the test was generated.
UIN17.9.2Varchar2(20)Universal Identification Number (Unique record number for this test and subject).
UnkFlag17.9.2Varchar2(1)No longer being used. (FY18)



Number (11,0)

Default field. No longer used.



Varchar2 (31)

Default field. No longer used.

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