S_MN_STU_EarlyEd_C (ver 14.4.2)
This table is a child table of the [Students] table. It maintains data regarding student enrollment in Early Education programs.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 14.4.2 | Number(10,0) | DCID of student record to which the Early Education Enrollment is related. |
Count_Of_Classes | 14.4.2 | Number(11,0) | Number of classes the student has enrolled in withing the registration time period. |
County_of_Residence | 14.4.2 | Varchar2(50) | State county code 01-87. |
Days_Attended | 14.4.2 | Number(11,0) | Days attending program. |
Exit_Date | | Date | Exit Date. |
Exit_Reason | | Varchar2(10) | Exit Reason Code. |
Fee_Status | 14.4.2 | Varchar2(50) | Student Fee Status. 01 = Full Fee, 02 = Reduced Fee, 03 = No Fee, 04 = Not Applicable. |
Funding_Source | 14.4.2 | Varchar2(50) | Comma-delimited list of enrollment funding source codes. |
Hours_Attended | 14.4.2 | Number(11,0) | Hours attending program. |
ID | 14.4.2 | Number(10,0) | Unique identifier for Early Education enrollment record. |
Immunizations_Up_To_Date | 14.4.2 | Number(1,0) | Immunizations current indicator. |
Include_In_Extract | 14.4.2 | Number(1,0) | Indicator of whether this record should be included in the Early Education Enrollment Extract. 1 = Yes, 2 = No. |
Is_Scholarship | 14.4.2 | Number(1,0) | Indicator of whether this is a scholarship. 1 = Yes, 2 = No. |
Membership | | Number(3,0) | Membership |
Program_Name | 14.4.2 | Varchar2(100) | Program name code. |
program_type | | Varchar2(1) | Ed-Fi program type. |
Referred_From | 14.4.2 | Varchar2(50) | Program code from which the student has been referred. |
Referred_To | 14.4.2 | Varchar2(50) | Program code to which the student is being referred. |
Registration_Date | 14.4.2 | Date | Registration date. |
School_Year | 14.4.2 | Number(11,0) | Program enrollment school year. Example: 2013-2014 school year = 2013. |
Special_Needs_Delay | 14.4.2 | Number(1,0) | Identifies students who have |
iep_status | 16.2.2 | Varchar2(10) | Student IEP Status. 1 = IEP/IFSP is Current, 2 = No IEP/IFSP, 3 = Developmental Concerns |