Enrollment Data
The enrollment data is broken up in to 6 parts – general, MARSS info, transportation, special ed, additional and dual/concurrent. General information is on the top half of the enrollment data page. This contains entry and exit dates and codes, grade level, resident district and FTE status.
The bottom half of the enrollment data page contains a set of tabs that allows the user to vary the Minnesota MARSS information that is displayed. The Special Ed and Dual/Concurrent tab will display an asterisk in the tab if data has been assigned in those respective areas.
There are two types of enrollment data: current enrollment data and previous enrollment data. The pages that display this data are virtually identical with the exception that the fields School and Membership share are editable on the previous enrollment page.
The table below lists the various data elements contained on the enrollment data pages.
Page Element | Which Page? | Which Tab? | Student Field Name | Reenrollments Field Name | In The B File? | Location In B File | Codes Driven? |
Entry Date | Both | Top | entrydate | entrydate | Y | 49-56 | N |
Entry Code | Both | Top | entrycode | entrycode | Y | 57-58 | Y |
Entry Comment | Both | Top | transfercomment | entrycomment | N |
| N |
Exit Date | Both | Top | exitdate | exitdate | Y | 61-68 | N |
Exit Code | Both | Top | exitcode | exitcode | Y | 59-60 | Y |
Exit Comment | Both | Top | exitcomment | exitcomment | N |
| N |
Full-Time Equivalency | Both | Top | fteid | fteid | N |
| N |
Grade Level | Both | Top | grade_level | grade_level | Y | 36-37 | N |
Track | Both | Top | track | track | N |
| N |
District of Residence | Both | Top | districtofresidence | districtofresidence | Y | 38-41 | N |
MARSS Number | Both | MARSS | state_studentnumber | state_studentnumber | Y | 5-17 | Y |
Exclude from MARSS B Report | Both | MARSS | ExcFrmMARSSB | ExcFrmMARSSB | N |
| N |
MARSS Processing Year | Both | MARSS | MN_MARSS_YR | MN_MARSS_YR | N |
| N |
School Number | Previous | MARSS | schoolid | schoolid | Y | 33-35 | Y |
Resident District Type | Both | MARSS | resident_district_type | DST_TYE | Y | 42-43 | Y |
Resident School Number | Both | MARSS | MN_STU_RES_SCH_NUM | MN_STU_RES_SCH_NUM | Y | 44-46 | N |
State Aid Category | Both | MARSS | state_aid_cat | state_aid_cat | Y | 47-48 | Y |
Economic Indicator | Both | MARSS | eco_ind | eco_ind | Y | 117 | Y |
Limited English Proficient | Both | MARSS | LEP_PCP | LEP_PCP | Y | 90 | N |
LEP Begin Date | Both | MARSS | LEP_BEG_DAT | LEP_BEG_DAT | Y | 91-98 | N |
Home Primary Language | Both | MARSS | primarylanguage | HOM_PRM_LNG | Y | 110-112 | Y |
MN Grade Level (KG Indicator) | Both | MARSS | MN_SCH_GRD_LVL | MN_SCH_GRD_LVL | Y | 36-37 | N |
Kindergarten Indicator - KA | Both | MARSS | KA | KA | N |
| N |
Kindergarten Indicator - KP | Both | MARSS | KP | KP | N |
| N |
Kindergarten Indicator - KF | Both | MARSS | KF | KF | N |
| N |
Kindergarten Indicator - HK | Both | MARSS | HK | HK | N |
| N |
Percent Enrolled | Both | MARSS | Per_Enr | Per_Enr | Y | 69-71 | N |
Membershipshare | Previous | MARSS | Membershipshare | Membershipshare | N |
| N |
Membership Hours | Both | MARSS | Mem_Hours | Mem_Hours | Y | 77-80 | N |
Attendance Hours | Both | MARSS | Attend_Hours | Attend_Hours | Y | 72-76 | N |
Post-Secondary Options Indicator | Both | MARSS | PST_SEC_OPT | PST_SEC_OPT | Y | 81 | N |
PSEO High School Participating Hours | Both | MARSS | PST_SEC_HRS_HS | PST_SEC_HRS_HS | Y | 82-85 | N |
Home Bound Service Indicator | Both | MARSS | HOM_BND_SRV | HOM_BND_SRV | Y | 86 | N |
Transportation Category | Both | Transportation | tra_cat | tra_cat | Y | 115-116 | Y |
Transporting District Number | Both | Transportation | MN_TRA_DST_NUM | MN_TRA_DST_NUM | Y | 121-124 | Y |
Transporting District Type | Both | Transportation | MN_TRA_DST_TYE | MN_TRA_DST_TYE | Y | 125-126 | Y |
Birthdate | Both | Special Ed | DOB | DOB | Y | 102-109 | N |
Entry Age | Both | Special Ed |
| N |
| N |
Exit Age | Both | Special Ed |
| N |
| N |
Special Ed Evaluation Status | Both | Special Ed | spc_ed_sts | spc_ed_sts | Y | 87 | Y |
Special Ed Instructional Setting | Both | Special Ed | spc_ed_ins_stg | spc_ed_ins_stg | Y | 88-89 | Y |
Primary Disability | Both | Special Ed | prm_dis | prm_dis | Y | 113-114 | Y |
Special Ed Service Hours | Both | Special Ed | SPC_SRV_HRS | SPC_SRV_HRS | Y | 133-137 | N |
Gifted and Talented Participation | Both | Additional | GFT_TAL_PCP | GFT_TAL_PCP | Y | 99 | N |
Migrant Indicator | Both | Additional | MIG_IND | MIG_IND | Y | 118 | N |
Title I Student Indicator | Both | Additional | STU_TTL1 | STU_TTL1 | Y | 119 | N |
Teen Parent | Both | Additional | Teen_Parent | Teen_Parent | N |
| N |
Homeless Student | Both | Additional | MN_HML_STU | MN_HML_STU | Y | 120 | N |
Special Pupils Care and Treatment | Both | Additional | MN_WRD_STT | MN_WRD_STT | Y | 127 | N |
Independent Study | Both | Additional | MN_IS_FLG | MN_IS_FLG | Y | 128 | N |
Displaced Homemaker | Both | Additional | Displaced_Homemaker | Displaced_Homemaker | N |
| N |
Supplemental Educational Services | Both | Additional | MN_SES_SRV | MN_SES_SRV | Y | 129-132 | Y |
Concurrent/Dual Enrolled | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE | MN_DE | N |
| N |
School Number | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_SCH_NUM | MN_DE_SCH_NUM | Y | 33-35 | N |
State Aid Category | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_SAC | MN_DE_SAC | Y | 47-48 | Y |
Entry Date | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_ENTRY_DAT | MN_DE_ENTRY_DAT | Y | 49-56 | N |
Entry Code | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_ENTRY_CD | MN_DE_ENTRY_CD | Y | 57-58 | Y |
Exit Date | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_EXIT_DAT | MN_DE_EXIT_DAT | Y | 61-68 | N |
Exit Code | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_EXIT_CD | MN_DE_EXIT_CD | Y | 59-60 | Y |
Percent Enrolled | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_Per_Enr | MN_DE_Per_Enr | Y | 69-71 | N |
Membership Hours | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_Mem_Hours | MN_DE_Mem_Hours | Y | 77-80 | N |
Attendance Hours | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_Attend_Hours | MN_DE_Attend_Hours | Y | 72-76 | N |
Special Ed Service Hours | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_SPC_SRV_HRS | MN_DE_SPC_SRV_HRS | Y | 133-137 | N |
Independent Study | Both | Dual/Concurrent | MN_DE_IS_FLG | MN_DE_IS_FLG | Y | 128 | N |
Minnesota Care Opt-Out | N/A | Student Demographic | [Students]MN_OPT_OUT_MNCR | [Reenrollments]MN_OPT_OUT_MNCR | Y | 138 | N |
Gen Assist Medical Care Opt-Out | N/A | Student Demographic | [Students]MN_OPT_OUT_GAMC | [Reenrollments]MN_OPT_OUT_GAMC | Y | 139 | N |