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CRDC Specific to Minnesota: S_SCH_CRDC_X (ver 16.12.1)

This table is an extension of the [Schools] table and provides CRDC-specific fields for Minnesota. To view additional CRDC fields used by all states, refer to S_SCH_CRDC_X in the All States Data Dictionary.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key.




Does the entire school population participate in the magnet school program?

AlternativeSchool_YN16.12.1Varchar2(1)Is this school an alternative school?
AlternativeSchoolAcademic_TF16.12.1Number(1,0)This alternative school is designed to meet the needs of Students with Academic Difficulties
AlternativeSchoolDiscipline_TF16.12.1Number(1,0)This alternative school is designed to meet the needs of Students with Discipline Problems
APSelfParticipate_YN16.12.1Varchar2(1)Is enrollment via self-selection by students permitted for all AP courses offered by the school?
CharterSchool_YN16.12.1Varchar2(1)Is this school a charter school?
ForDisabilities_YN16.12.1Varchar2(1)Is this school a special education school?
InterschAthletics_YN16.12.1Varchar2(1)Does this school have interscholastic athletics?
InterschParticipantsF16.12.1Number(11,0)What is the count of female only participants on teams?
InterschParticipantsM16.12.1Number(11,0)What is the count of male only participants on teams?
InterschSportsF16.12.1Number(11,0)What is the count of female only sports?
InterschSportsM16.12.1Number(11,0)What is the count of male only sports?
InterschTeamsF16.12.1Number(11,0)What is the count of female only teams?
InterschTeamsM16.12.1Number(11,0)What is the count of male only teams?
MagnetSchoolOrProgram_YN16.12.1Varchar2(1)Is this school either a magnet school or a school operating a magnet program within the school?
ProvidesUngraded_YN16.12.1Varchar2(1)Does this school have ungraded students?



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