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Appendix F - Processing Staff

The STaff Automated Report  (STAR) page contains the following code set:

  • Assignment Code
  • Employee Classification
  • Highest Education Level
  • Inactive/Transfer/Termination
  • Mode of Teaching
  • New Licensed Staff
  • New Non-Licensed Staff
  • STAR Grade Levels

To define STAR information for staff members:

  1. Select a staff member and choose the Edit Information link.
  2. At the bottom of the page, select STAR Information. Some staff demographic data is repeated at the top of this page for social security number, date of birth, ethnicity and gender.

To create a Licensed Staff record for the LA file

  1. Click the check box to include this information in the LA file and fill in the fields with the appropriate values.  Note: The green Minnesota icon next to the File Folder Number field will link to the Minnesota License Lookup site and enable a search of the database by staff name (if the File Folder Number field is blank) or by File Folder Number.
  2. Click Submit to save this data before proceeding to the LB or NA record setup.

To create Licensed Staff Assignment records:

  1. Click [+] Create New LB Record to open the New Minnesota STAR LB Assignment page.

  2. Enter the appropriate data in the fields on the New Minnesota STAR LB Assignment page. For teaching staff with current schedules, a listing of their schedule is located at the bottom of the LB Assignment page to aid in the LB record creation.
  3. Click Submit to save the record. More than one LB Assignment record can be created for a given staff member.

For those staff members that fall in the Non-Licensed Staff category:

  1. Click [+] Create New NA Record to open the  New Minnesota STAR NA Assignment page
  2. Enter the appropriate data for the fields listed on the New Minnesota STAR NA Assignment page.
  3. Click Submit to save the data. Like the LB records, more than one NA record can be used for Non-Licensed staff.

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