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S_MI_STU_CRDC_X (ver 17.1.0)

As of State Reporting version, this table is no longer used by the application.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Students] table.


No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of allegations of harassment based on disability.


No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of allegations of harassment based on race. 


No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of allegations of harassment based on religion.


No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of allegations of harassment based on sex.

AlegBullySexOr17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of allegations of harassment based on sexual orientation. 
BullyDisDsbl17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of reports of harassment based on disability. 
BullyDisRace17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of reports of harassment based on race. 
BullyDisRel17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of reports of harassment based on religion. 
BullyDisSex17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of reports of harassment based on sex. 
BullyDisSexOr17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of reports of harassment based on sexual orientation. 
BullyDsbl17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of disciplines administered based on disability. 
BullyRace17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of disciplines administered based on race. 
BullyRel17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of disciplines administered based on religion. 
BullySex17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of disciplines administered based on sex. 
BullySexOr17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of disciplines administered based on sexual orientation. 
ChronicAbsent_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of times the student was chronically absent. 
Corporal_Punishment_TF19.9.2.0Number(1,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Indicates if a student received Corporal Punishment. 
CRDCDate17.1.0DateNo longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
CRDC reporting date as of October 1. 
CRDCGrade17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The grade level of the student as of October 1. 
CRDCGradeXML17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The grade level of the student as of October 1. 
CRDCSchool17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The school the student attended as of October 1. 
CreditRec_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Credit recovery program flag. 
DevRetKinder_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Developmental retention kindergarten program flag. 
DisCP17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Corporal punishment flag. 
DisEXP17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Expulsion with services flag. 
DisEXPalt17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Expulsion with services to an alternate school flag. 
DisEXPreg17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Expulsion with services to a regular school flag. 
DisEXPwo17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Expulsion without services flag. 
DisEXPzro17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Expulsion due to zero-tolerance policy flag. 
DisISS17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
In school suspension flag. 
DisOSS17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Out of school suspension flag. 
DisOSSdays17.1.0Number(25,10)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Out of school suspension days flag. 
DisPol17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Referral to a law enforcement agency or official flag. 
DisPolArrest17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of school-related arrests. 
DisResMech17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of instances student was subjected to mechanical restraint. 
DisResPhys17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of instances student was subjected to physical restraint. 
DisResSeclu17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of instances student was subjected to seclusion. 
EarlyOn_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Early On student flag. 
EarnedCrHrs17.1.0Number(25,10)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of credit hours the student earned. 
EntryDate17.1.0DateNo longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Entry date of the student. 
ExitCode17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Exit code of the student. 
ExitDate17.1.0DateNo longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Exit date of the student. 
FTE17.1.0Number(25,10)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Total FTE of the student. 
Gifted_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Gifted and talented program flag. 
LEP_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
LEP services flag. 
LEPProg_CD17.1.0Varchar2(20)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
LEP program code flag. 
OffAtt17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of physical attack without a weapon. 
OffAttFirearm17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of physical attack with a firearm or explosive device. 
OffAttWeapon17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of physical attack with a weapon. 
OffBattery17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of sexual battery. 
Offense_Category19.9.2.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Indicates the offense category. 
OffHomicide17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of homicide at the school district. 
OffPossFirearm17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents with possession of a firearm or explosive device. 
OffRape17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of rape. 
OffRob17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of robbery without a weapon. 
OffRobFirearm17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of robbery with a firearm or explosive device. 
OffRobWeapon17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents of robbery with a weapon. 
OffThreat17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of threats of physical attack. 
OffThreatFirearm17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of threats of physical attack with a firearm or explosive device. 
OffThreatWeapon17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of threats of physical attack with a weapon.
OffUsedFirearm17.1.0Number(10,0)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
The number of incidents where a firearm or explosive device was used (shooting).  
PassAlg1_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Pass Algebra 1 flag. 
Retention_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Student retained in grade flag. 
SSAthlete_CD17.1.0Varchar2(4)No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages.
Single-Sex interscholastic athlete flag. 
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