S_MI_SSF_TSDL_X (ver 15.8.0)
This table is an extension of the [SchoolStaff] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
SchoolStaffDCID | 15.8.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [SchoolStaff] table. |
contractAbsent | 15.8.0 | Number(25,10) | Number of contracted days the employee was absent. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPAtnd]. |
contractDays | 15.8.0 | Number(25,10) | Number of days for which the employee was contracted. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_REPAtnd_contract]. |
contractHours | 15.8.0 | Number(25,10) | Number of hours for which the employee was contracted. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_REPHrs_contract]. |
contractHrsAbsent | 15.8.0 | Number(25,10) | Number of contracted hours for which the employee was absent. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPhrsAb]. |
crdcAbsentDays | 17.1.0 | Number(25,10) | Total days teacher was absent in the school year. |
crdcFTE | 17.1.0 | Number(25,10) | Total teacher FTE. |
crdcNewTeacher | 17.1.0 | Varchar2(4) | Year that the teacher started in the district. |
crdcStaff | 17.1.0 | Varchar2(4) | Support staff category. |
ethnicAsian | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Asian ethnicity. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_ethnAsi]. |
ethnicBlack | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Black or African American ethnicity. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_ethnAfr]. |
ethnicHispanic | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_ethnLat]. |
ethnicIndian | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | American Indian or Alaskan Native ethnicity. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_ethnInd]. |
ethnicPacific | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ethnicity. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_ethnPac]. |
ethnicWhite | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | White ethnicity. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_ethnWhi]. |
excludeTSDL | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Use to exclude staff record from TSDL submission. |
repCertType | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Type of credential. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPCertType]. |
repCertDate | 15.8.0 | Date | Date credential issued. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPCertDtIssu]. |
repCertExpireDate | 15.8.0 | Date | Date of credential expiration. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPCertExDt]. |
repDistrict | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(12) | Employed by district. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_REP_DISTRICT]. |
repEffectiveness | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Educator effectiveness. |
repFunded | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Funded position status. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPvacant]. |
repFundTitle | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Employee funding type (Title I, Title II, Part A). |
repGradFrom | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(12) | Michigan sponsoring institution. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPGradDegRecIns]. |
repGradFromState | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Non-Michigan sponsoring institution. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPStIssInst]. |
repHighDegree | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Highest educational level. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPHighDeg]. |
repHireDate | 15.8.0 | Date | Date of hire. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPdthire]. |
repLicense | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(24) | Credential license number. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPlicense]. |
repPDdelivery | 15.8.0 | Number(25,10) | Instructional delivery (strategy) days. |
repPDmgmt | 15.8.0 | Number(25,10) | Classroom management days. |
repPIC | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(12) | Personnel Identification Code (PIC). Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_REP_PIC]. |
repTermDate | 15.8.0 | Date | Date of termination of employment. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPdtTermEmp]. |
repTermReason | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Reason for termination. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.REPEmpStat]. |
specEdPrgmAssign | 15.8.0 | Varchar2(4) | Special Education instructor program assignment. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_SpecEd_PrgmAssign]. |
teacherEC | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Early Child caseload worker. |
teacherEO | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Early On caseload worker. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_EI_Teacher]. |
teacherLEP | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | LEP student instructor. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_LEP_Teacher]. |
teacherParaPro | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Para Professional. |
teacherSpecEd | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Special Education instructor. Migrated from [SchoolStaff.MI_SpecEd_Teacher]. |
teacherVirtual | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Virtual Delivery teacher or Mentor. |
teacherVocEd | 15.8.0 | Number(1,0) | Vocational Education instructor. |