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S_MI_SGR_TSDL_X (ver 15.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [StoredGrades] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [StoredGrades] table.

academicYear22.5.3.0VarChar2(10)Override for the academic year in which the student was enrolled in the course (e.g. 2021-2022).




Override for potential college credit hours the course is worth.

completionStatus22.5.3.0VarChar2(4)Override for the completion status code identifying the student's course completion status.
courseID_TSDL22.5.3.0VarChar2(11)The stored grade course number for the course.
courseType23.9.3.0VarChar2(12)Override for Course Type (
CrsFundingPrgm22.5.3.0VarChar2(5)Override for the course funding program code.
excludeTSDL23.9.3.0Number(10,0)Currently Not Used (
mSIXCourseSectionID22.5.3.0VarChar2(12)Override for MSIX Clock Hours (
mSIXClockHours23.9.3.0Number(10,0)Override for MSIX Clock Hours (

Out_of_District_Identifier of district identifier used for Ed-Fi to identify and out of district course.
repPIC122.5.3.0VarChar2(12)Override for the Staff PIC.
repPIC222.5.3.0VarChar2(12)Override for an additional co-teacher PIC.
repPIC322.5.3.0VarChar2(12)Override for an additional co-teacher PIC.
virtualDelivery22.5.3.0VarChar2(4)Override for the virtual delivery method of the section.
vmPIC122.5.3.0VarChar2(12)Override for the mentor teacher PIC.
vmPIC222.5.3.0VarChar2(12)Override for an additional mentor teacher PIC.
vmPIC322.5.3.0VarChar2(12)Override for an additional mentor teacher PIC.
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