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S_MI_LOG_GC_X (ver 15.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [Log] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary key that relates the extended table back to the [Log] table.




Action Taken 1. Migrated from [Log.MI_SpEd_Discipline_Action_Taken].




Action Taken 2. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Action_Taken2].




Action Taken 3. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Action_Taken3].

BodilyInjury15.8.0Number(1,0)Used to denote that the incident caused bodily injury. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_BodilyInjury].
dfDiscHist17.12.0Varchar2(1)Used to tag the student as having disciplinary history. As of version 18.8.0, this field changed from Number(1,0) to Varchar2(1).
dfDiscHistDesc17.12.0Varchar2(1000)Disciplinary history description.
dfDiscHistMisconduct17.12.0Varchar2(1)Used to tag the student as having current misconduct similar to past misconduct. As of version 18.8.0, this field changed from Number(1,0) to Varchar2(1).
dfIntervention17.12.0Varchar2(1)Used to tag that there is an intervention other than the suspension/expulsion that would address the misconduct. As of version 18.8.0, this field changed from Number(1,0) to Varchar2(1).
dfLesserIntervention17.12.0Varchar2(1)Used to tag that the lesser intervention will be used. As of version 18.8.0, this field changed from Number(1,0) to Varchar2(1).
dfLesserInterventionDesc17.12.0Varchar2(1000)Lesser intervention description.
dfPossessFirearm17.12.0Varchar2(1)Used to tag the student as possessing a firearm on school property or at a school event. As of version 18.8.0, this field changed from Number(1,0) to Varchar2(1).
dfRestPractices17.12.0Varchar2(1)Used to tag that restorative practices will be used to address the misconduct. As of version 18.8.0, this field changed from Number(1,0) to Varchar2(1).
dfRestPracticesDesc17.12.0Varchar2(1000)Restorative practices description.
dfStuDisability17.12.0Varchar2(1)Used to tag the student as being a student with a disability. As of version 18.8.0, this field changed from Number(1,0) to Varchar2(1).
dfThreatStuOrStaff17.12.0Varchar2(1)Used to tag the student as having misconduct that threatened the safety of students or staff. As of version 18.8.0, this field changed from Number(1,0) to Varchar2(1).
DisciplineDate115.8.0DateStart date of initial consequence. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Date].
DisciplineDate215.8.0DateStart date of secondary consequence. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Date2].
DisciplineDate315.8.0DateStart date of other consequence. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Date3].
DisciplineDays115.8.0Number(25,10)Consequence days for initial consequence. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Days].
DisciplineDays215.8.0Number(25,10)Consequence days for secondary consequence. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Days2].
DisciplineDays315.8.0Number(25,10)Consequence days for other consequence. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Days3].
Harass_Other_TF19.12.1.0Number(1,0)Used to report incidents that do not fall under the predefined Federal categories. Not reported for CRDC.
IncidentExpel15.8.0Varchar2(200)Incident Follow-up code(s). Migrated from [Log.MI_Expl_ExpelFollowup].
IncidentNbr15.8.0Varchar2(12)Incident ID Number. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_Incident_ID].
IncidentType15.8.0Varchar2(200)Incident Type code(s). Migrated from [Log.MI_Expl_IncidentType].
IncludeGC15.8.0Number(1,0)Used to include incident record in State Reporting. Migrated from [Log.MI_Exclude].
PropertyDamage15.8.0Number(25,10)Estimated cost of property damage. Migrated from [Log.MI_Expl_DamageCost].
SexualAssault15.8.0Number(1,0)Used to denote that the incident was a sexual assault. Migrated from [Log.MI_Discipline_SexualAssault].
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