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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Data Migration Enabled for New Enrollment Records

When a new enrollment record is created for a student, the current value in the following fields is copied into the S_ME_REN_X table to be stored for future reference:

  • Chapter 504 Status; Chapter504StatusFlag_YN

  • Title 1A Math; Title1AMath_YN

  • Title 1A ELA; Title1AELA_YN

  • Gifted and Talented - Academic; GiftedTalentedAcademic_YN

  • Gifted and Talented - Artistic; GiftedTalentedArtistic_YN

  • Homeless Night-time Residence Code; HomelessNightTimeResidence

  • Economic Lunch Status; SchoolLunchEligCode


ReEnrollment Table updates for Record Maintenance (UI)

The following fields are now available in the S_ME_REN_X table and the Student Edit Previous Enrollment Page (Maine State Information Section)

  • Chapter 504 Status; Chapter504StatusFlag_YN

  • Title 1A Math; Title1AMath_YN

  • Title 1A ELA; Title1AELA_YN

  • Gifted and Talented - Academic; GiftedTalentedAcademic_YN

  • Gifted and Talented - Artistic; GiftedTalentedArtistic_YN

  • Homeless Night-time Residence Code; HomelessNightTimeResidence

  • Economic Lunch Status; SchoolLunchEligCode

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