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Record and Transcript Exchange

PowerSchool includes integration with the National Transcript Center (NTC). Using NTC's data translation engine, schools can securely exchange (send, receive, and track) electronic student records between institutions, which makes it easier to place incoming students appropriately. The records are exported from the sending school through NTC to the receiving school.

The Record and Transcript Exchange Dashboard can be accessed via Start Page > Special Functions > Record & Transcript Exchange Dashboard.

The Student Record Field List table identifies the state-specific data elements that are transported as part of the student record. When the receiving school receives the data, one of the following occurs:

  • If the value for the data element is blank at the receiving school, then the data is automatically saved to the database for the student.
  • If the data element is not blank at the receiving school, then the data is not imported, i.e. this process does not override current data. The data can be viewed in order to make manual updates.

Note: To view non-state specific fields that are transferred see the Record and Transcript Exchange User Guide.

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