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Enrollment Exit Type Status Codes




Transfer to a different public school in the same local education agency

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and is in a different public school in the same local education agency.


Transferred to a public school in a different local education agency in the same state

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and transferred to a public school in a different local education agency in the same state.


Transferred to a public school in a different state

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and transferred to a public school in a different state.


Transferred to a school outside of the country

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and transferred to a school outside of the country.


Transferred to an institution

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and transferred to an institution.


Transferred to home schooling.

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and transferred to home schooling.


Transferred to a charter school.

A student who transfers to an institution designated as a charter school. This includes any approved public virtual charter schools. This is not to be confused with a Magnet School. Students who transfer to a Magnet School like Maine School of Science and Math should use exit code 02.


Graduated with regular, advanced, International Baccalauereate, or other type of diploma.

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and graduated with regular, advanced, International Baccalaureate, or other type of diploma.



The student exited from membership in the educational institution and died or is permanently incapacitated.


Withdrawn due to Illness

The student was withdrawn due to illness. This option is discontinued.


Expelled or involuntarily withdrawn

The student was expelled or involuntarily withdrawn.


Reached maximum age for services

The student reached the maximum age to receive services.


Discontinued schooling.

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and discontinued schooling.


Enrolled in a postsecondary early admission program, eligible to return.

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and enrolled in a postsecondary early admission program and is eligible to return.


Not enrolled, unknown status

The student exited from membership in the educational institution, is not enrolled and his/her status is unknown.


Not enrolled, eligible to return

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and is not enrolled but is eligible to return.


Enrolled in a foreign exchange program, eligible to return

The student exited from membership in the educational institution, is enrolled in a foreign exchange program, and is eligible to return.


Withdrawn from school, under the age for compulsory attendance; eligible to return

The student exited from membership in the educational institution and withdrew from school, is under the age for compulsory attendance, and is eligible to return.


Completed with a state-recognized equivalency


Officially withdrew and enrolled in ABE, adult secondary education, or adult ESL program

The student officially withdrew and enrolled in an adult basic education, adult secondary education, or adult English as a Second Language program.


Officially withdrew and enrolled in a workforce training program

The student officially withdrew and enrolled in a workforce training program.


Transfer to a Maine approved private school

The student transferred to a Maine approved private school. A list of approved schools can be found here:


 Unenrolled due to lack of required vaccinations


Transfer to home instruction due to lack of required vaccinations.

The student is transferred to home instruction as the vaccination requirements are not met.

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