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S_MD_STU_PRE_X (ver 16.12.3)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary Key.

Pretest_Delete16.12.3Number (1,0)Delete - Check to remove records from Pearson Access. 
Pretest_Alg_Format16.12.3Varchar2(2)Algebra - Test Format
Pretest_Alg_MASAA16.12.3Varchar2(2)Algebra - MASAA Student
Pretest_Alg_Month16.12.3Varchar2(4)Algebra - Test Month
Pretest_Alg_Spec16.12.3Varchar2(2)Algebra - Special Orders
Pretest_Alg_Week16.12.3Varchar2(2)Algebra - Week (For Summer Use Only)
Pretest_Bio_Format16.12.3Varchar2(2)Biology - Test Format
Pretest_Bio_MASAA16.12.3Varchar2(2)Biology - MASAA Student
Pretest_Bio_Month16.12.3Varchar2(4)Biology - Test Month
Pretest_Bio_Spec16.12.3Varchar2(2)Biology - Special Orders
Pretest_Bio_Week16.12.3Varchar2(2)Biology - Week (For Summer Use Only)
Pretest_Eng_Format16.12.3Varchar2(2)English - Test Format
Pretest_Eng_MASAA16.12.3Varchar2(2)English - MASAA Student
Pretest_Eng_Month16.12.3Varchar2(4)English - Test Month
Pretest_Eng_Spec16.12.3Varchar2(2)English - Special Orders
Pretest_Eng_Week16.12.3Varchar2(2)English - Week (For Summer Use Only)
Pretest_Gov_Format16.12.3Varchar2(2)Government - Test Format
Pretest_Gov_MASAA16.12.3Varchar2(2)Government - MASAA Student
Pretest_Gov_Month16.12.3Varchar2(4)Government - Test Month
Pretest_Gov_Spec16.12.3Varchar2(2)Government - Special Orders
Pretest_Gov_Week16.12.3Varchar2(2)Government - Week (For Summer Use Only)
Pretest_Alg_Year16.12.3Number (11,0)Algebra - Year
Pretest_Bio_Year16.12.3Number (11,0)Biology - Year
Pretest_Eng_Year16.12.3Number (11,0)English - Year
Pretest_Gov_Year16.12.3Number (11,0)Government - Year
Pretest_Rptg_School16.12.3Number (11,0)Reporting School - For summer use. Use this field if the student's reports need to be sent to a different school than the school in which the student is currently registered.
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