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S_MD_GSI_LetterGradeMapping_C (ver 17.7.0)

This table is a child table of the GRADESCALEITEM table.

Column Name


Data Type


ID17.7.0Number (10,0)Primary Key.



Number (11,0)

GradeScaleItem table ID.

GradeScaleItemDCID17.7.0Number (10,0)Foreign key used to link back to the GradeScaleItem table.
Unique_ID17.7.0Number (11,0)Primary key from the Virtual Table.
Code0117.7.0Varchar2 (2000)Code list of final grades to be associated with a State completion code.
Code0217.7.0Varchar2 (2000)Code list of final grades to be associated with a State completion code.
Code0317.7.0Varchar2 (2000)Code list of final grades to be associated with a State completion code.
Code0417.7.0Varchar2 (2000)Code list of final grades to be associated with a State completion code.
Code0517.7.0Varchar2 (2000)Code list of final grades to be associated with a State completion code.
SchoolID17.7.0Number (11,0)ID of the school associated with this store code.



Varchar2 (31)

Default field. No longer used.

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