S_MD_CRS_X (ver 14.8.0)
This table is an extension of the [Courses] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
CoursesDCID | 14.8.0 | Number (10,0) | Primary Key. |
Include_KRA_TF | 14.8.0 | Number (1,0) | Include in Kindergarten Readiness Assessment. |
parcc_exclude | 14.11.0 | Number (1,0) | Obsolete - Exclude Course from PARCC testing |
parcc_testCode | 14.11.0 | String (5) | Obsolete - PARCC Test Code |
parcc_testFormat | 14.11.0 | String (1) | Obsolete - PARCC Test Format |
Outside_School_Number | 15.1.0 | String (4) | School number if taught at another school. |
Advanced_TechnologyEd | 16.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Advanced Technology Education |
State_ExcludeFromReporting | 16.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Exclude From State Reporting |
ExcludeFromCourseGradeReport | 16.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Exclude From Course Grade Report |
NonTraditional | 16.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Non-Traditional Course |
TechnologyEd | 16.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Technology Education |
AP_Honors_Indicator | 16.12.3 | String (2) | AP/Honors Indicator |
Concentrator_Designation | 16.12.3 | String (2) | Concentrator Designation |
State_Grade_Level | 16.12.3 | String (2) | Grade Level |
HSA_Subject_Flag | 16.12.3 | String (2) | HSA Subject Flag |
Intertational_Baccalaureate | 16.12.3 | String (2) | International Baccalaureate (IB) |
Outside_of_School | 16.12.3 | String (2) | Instruction Outside of School Flag |
MSA_Subject_Flag | 16.12.3 | String (5) | MSA Subject Flag |
Subject_Code | 16.12.3 | String (8) | Subject Code |
Test_Code_Subject | | String (5) | MD Test Code Subject |
Time_of_Year | 16.12.3 | String (2) | Time Of Year |
MISA_Include | 17.1.0 | VarChar2(1) | Obsolete - Include in MISA Report |
Rigorous_HS_Indicator | | VarChar2 (1) | Indicates a student has earned at least two credits in specific areas of study with a grade of B or higher. |