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S_MD_CRS_MCC_X (ver 15.10.0)

This table is an extension of the [Courses] table.

Column Name


Data Type




Number (10,0)

Primary Key

Assessed_Content_Area15.10.0Varchar2 (8)
Obsolete - Indicates that the course is associated with a State mandated assessment at
the elementary, middle, or high school level.
Carnegie_Units15.10.0Number (25,10)
Obsolete - Amount of Carnegie Unit Credit available to a student who successfully meets the objectives of a secondary course.
Course_Cert_Description15.10.0Varchar2 (100)
Obsolete - Provides a description of the certification or recognition associated with the course.
Course_Content_Standards15.10.0Varchar2 (4)
Indicator of the content standards used to align course curriculum and assess whether students meet grade level expectations.
Course_GPA15.10.0Number (1,0)Course Grade Point Average Applicability
Course_Level15.10.0Varchar2 (6)An indication of the course’s level of rigor.
Course_Level_Characteristic22.11.3.0Varchar2 (4)An additional characteristic associated with the general nature and rigor of instruction throughout a course.
CTE_Associated_Course15.10.0Number (1,0)
Obsolete - Indicates that the course is part of an approved program of study in Career Technology Education (CTE) and is associated with courses that have a designated Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code.
Delivery_Type15.10.0Varchar2 (4)Describes the primary setting or medium of delivery for the course.
FACS_Course_Indicator15.10.0Number (1,0)
Indicates that the course is associated with the Family and Consumer Sciences plan of study.
HS_Course_Req15.10.0Number (1,0)
Indication that successful completion of the course is required in order to earn a high school diploma.
Inst_Language15.10.0Varchar2 (6)
Indicates the language of instruction used to teach the program or course.
IPEDS_SchoolCode15.10.0Number (11,0)
Identifies the institution of higher education where the college-level or dual-credit course is taught.
K12_EndofCourse_Req15.10.0Number (1,0)
Indicates that the course has an end of course examination required by MSDE
or the Local Education Agency.
LEA_Course_Description17.5.0Varchar2 (1000)LEA Course Description
NCAA_Eligibility15.10.0Number (1,0)
Indicates that the course is approved for determining National collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility.



Varchar2 (10)

Three-digit number that distinguishes a course within a SCED
Subject Area
SCED_Grade_Span115.10.0Varchar2 (4)SCED lowest grade of instruction
SCED_Grade_Span215.10.0Varchar2 (4)SCED highest grade of instruction
SCED_Seq_Course15.10.0Number (11,0)
Indicates where a specific course lies when it is part of a consecutive
sequence of courses.
SCED_Seq_Total15.10.0Number (11,0)
Second part in the sequence or order of a series of courses if there are
multiple parts to the course.
Technology_Ed_Indicator15.10.0Varchar2 (6)
Indicates that the course is a General Technology Education or an Advanced Technology Education course.
Transition_Course_or_Module16.9.4Varchar2 (4)
Obsolete - Course or course equivalent method completed by a 12th grade student who has not passed an approved College and Career Readiness (CCR) assessment, in English 11
and/or Algebra 2, by the end of their 11th grade.
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