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S_MD_CC_X (ver 16.12.3)

This table is an extension of the [CC] table.

Column Name


Data Type


CCDCID16.12.3Number (10,0)Primary key that relates the extended table back to the CC table.
Attempted_Course_Cert20.4.3.0Number (1,0)

Applies to CTE identified classes only. Indicates that the student attempted an associated course certification assessment.

Earned_Course_Cert20.4.3.0Number (1,0)

Applies to CTE identified classes only. Indicates that the student earned an associated course certification.

ExcludeFromCourseGradeReport16.12.3Number (1,0)Obsolete as of Exclude From Course Grade Report
Completion_Status16.12.3Varchar2 (10)Obsolete as of Completion Status
Test_Status20.11.1.0Varchar2(1)MCAP Test Status for the class
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