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Report Card Logos

The logos that optionally appear on the Elementary and Secondary Report cards need to be stored on the PowerSchool server. The files need to be of type .JPG or .JPEG.

All local paths of the server must be entered using URI formatting. 

For example if the local path is C:\ProgramFiles\PowerSchool\data\picture\general\district_logo.jpg, then the valid URI format is:




School Logo

Enter the path on the Schools/School Info page.
If using School and District Logo then logos must be 0.8 x 0.8 in at 300 DPI (240 x 240 pixels)
If just using School Logo (no District Logo) then logo must be 1.7 x 1.7 inches at 300 DPI (510 x 510 pixels)

District Logo

Enter the path on the District Info page.
If using School and District Logo then logos must be 0.8 x 0.8 in at 300 DPI (240 x 240 pixels)
If just using District Logo (no School Logo) then logo must be 1.7 x 1.7 inches at 300 DPI (510 x 510 pixels)

Provincial Logo

Enter the path on the District Info page.
Must be 1.7 x 1.7 inches at 300 DPI (510 x 510 pixels)

Principal Signature

Enter the path on the Schools/School Info page.

Must be 2.3 x 0.5 inches at 300 DPI (840 x 150 pixels)

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