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Additional Resources

See the following resources for more information on PowerSchool and Manitoba Provincial reporting.

EIS Collection – Data Collection Tool

The EIS Collection provides detailed information on the input and output for each report/extract. Use the report output to analyze report results.

PowerSchool Online Help

For more information on using PowerSchool and working with PowerSchool screens and fields, see the PowerSchool Online Help. Tip: Open the Online Help by clicking the Help link in the upper-right corner of any PowerSchool page and choosing "System Help".


Visit PowerSource, the PowerSchool customer portal to view or download:

  • PowerSchool User Guides and Knowledgebase articles
  • Manitoba Provincial Reporting Knowledgebase articles
  • PowerSchool training videos
  • PowerSchool and state reporting forums
  • PowerSchool training calendar and class locations
  • Online technical support

Note: A user name and password are required to access «GreetingLine».

PowerSchool Data Dictionary (Non-State Reporting)

For information on PowerSchool tables and fields see the PowerSchool Data Dictionary, which identifies all tables in the database, and provides table column definitions, field data types, and field descriptions.

Manitoba Resources

Manitoba Department of Education:

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