S_MA_USR_Demographic_X (ver 15.3.0)
This table is an extension of the User table, which maintains demographic and other data for the district and school staff.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
UsersDCID | 15.3.0 | Number(10,0) | Primary key that relates the extended table to the [Users] table. |
StateOverride_LastName | 15.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | Used by SIF to report an alternate name if the last name used by, or reported to, the state is different than the last name used in PowerSchool. |
StateOverride_FirstName | 15.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | Used by SIF to report an alternate name if the first name used by, or reported to, the state is different than the last name used in PowerSchool. |
StateOverride_MiddleName | 15.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | Used by SIF to report an alternate name if the middle name used by, or reported to, the state is different than the last name used in PowerSchool. |
NonBinary_Gender_TF | 16.8.0 | Number(1) | Indicates the staff member identifies as transgender or not as M/F (used for MEPID report). |